

Responses from kehut

Audio Research ls 15/16 Tube rolling
Sirspeedy- I think you mean 5358's. I used these in my LS15. I realize that there are Ediswan's relabeled by Siemens and Mullard Edi's.RFT ect.. Most of the better Edi's were made pre 80's anyway so as long as they are early Vintage Edi's..That wo... 
Audio Research ls 15/16 Tube rolling
"Is the V1-V2 driver tubes more important than V3-V4 cathode followers tuberolling LS 15?"...Probably so...although both will affect sonic changes. I heard this when I used only 2 Tungsrams in the V3-V4 positions while rolling mine. I always went ... 
Audio Research ls 15/16 Tube rolling
Sirspeedy...Very good. The CCa of early vintage offer a very smooth, yet textured sound. Very palpable compared to the later CCa's and other Siemens tubes IMO. The highs should be more smooth but maybe less transparent than the Edi's. The bass wil... 
Audio Research ls 15/16 Tube rolling
Ive rolled a few in my old LS15. Tubes definately change the sonic character of the pre amp as well as a good power cord upgrade(if you have the later model IEC type)If you want lush try the Amperex Bugel Boys, Mullard 6922 or Amperex PQ(holland o... 
Stylast: Yay or Nay
I would hesitate using any liquid stylus cleaner on a hollow type cantilver, where it has been reported as more likely to have problems with migration into the coil area. Otherwise on a solid rod canti..judicious and careful use should be fine IMO. 
Battubes....the begining
Ive posted a few threads along the way regarding my old BAT 5i. I basically tried The Amperex PQ 6922 and PQ 7308 White label including the USN labeled tubes in all 6 line signal and the 2 shunt positions...then on to Siemens 7308...then mix and m... 
Sennheiser upgraded cable Cardas/Equinox?
Tiberian- Will do. This may be the only area where I want copper. All my IC's and PC's are silver! Ill be sure to follow up.Drew is having to make the pair, so it will be awhile. Thanks again. 
Sennheiser upgraded cable Cardas/Equinox?
Tiberian- Thanks for the info. Both you and Rgs92 are of the same opinion on the Cardas. This was very timely and helped me avoid getting the wrong cable for the Senn's.Like you, I did indeed like the Silver Dragon, but sold it( typical audiophool... 
Which Totem speakers
Jwells...cute. Nothing like a little pain relief! :) 
Sennheiser upgraded cable Cardas/Equinox?
Thanks. I agree with you on the brightness issue with phones. I can live with less than the best bass...but the highs have to be smooth! So..where can I find the Zu Mobius? 
Silver vs. Cooper speakers cables
Wait...what ever happened to Cooper? Is he now a Mini Cooper? 
Getting and keeping records clean................
I agree with everyone here!! from doing a search and finding hundreds( seems like thousands!) of info threads on the subject as 4yanx said- to using any of the cleaners types listed as long as you do indeed use a vacuum.-Ken 
Audio Research LS-15 Infincaps
Audphile 1,I had both the earlier LS15 with REL caps and sold it for a BAT 5i (which I never really warmed up to...) about 4 months later, I sold the BAT and returned to the ARC and a later model 15 with the Infinicaps. My system remained the same... 
Help adding Vcaps to Jolida JD100 CD player
Hi Tony,I would very much agree with Milind here...I have compared the Level 1 and 2 Parts Conn Mod side by side with the stock player. Your gaining a little more dynamics with the mod 1 but loosing a fair amount of midrange bloom and texture that... 
VR-4JR or USHER 6371
Enjoy them Sam, They are indeed a very nice speaker!