

Responses from kehut

What is the quietest preamp you've used?
The most quiet was my old (now almost 23 years) Perrauex SM2 bought in 1983. It was a slim design and was a highly regarded pre amp. Although extremely quiet with almost no noise or hiss... with comparison by todays pre amps its most likely anythi... 
what made you get into high end gear.
I grew up in a small Bronx apartment from the late 50's to the late 60's. My Dad took an interest in audio in the early 50's and worked at Harvey Radio in Manhatten where he was able to eventually afford to bring home Hi end gear from McIntosh, Ma... 
Need Help Guys Bat Vk5 preamp tube rolling
I posted at various times about tubes in my former 5i. You can do a search and find that info. Basically, I used a few combo's in the 6 input 6922 section ranging from all Siemens 6922. then 7308's. and then Amperex PQ 7308's white label.I also tr... 
Jolida JD100A, How to bring it to the next level
I did a SEARCH on this player and found about 50 threads posted to date. I would think at least 1/3 of them have to do with upgrades, mods,etc... Did you look at the archives before you posted?As an owner of this player for the last 6 months, ther... 
new vs. used vinyl, pops and clicks.
Ejlif-Your question is a good one. With used vinyl records..it is often not easy and sometimes there is no way of telling without playing them , as to the condition and wheather there will be ticks and pops along the way.If it looks scratched and ... 
ARC VTM120 Any thoughts?
Speaking as the only poster who seems to have ACTUALLY OWNED the VTM 120's here, and gave you my impressions...your most welcome! ;) As Jafox mentioned...you can certainly do better. I liked my SS D-200 better than the 120's. 
ARC VTM120 Any thoughts?
I owned the 120 monoblocks a few years back. I paid about $1650 at the time..which was about book on them. Mine were not the SE version which have upgraded caps. I ran them on ML SL-3's and Von Schweikert VR2 for the time I owned them. Neither spe... 
Power cord upgrade on your Jolida JD-100?
I bought a stock JD100 and tube rolled over the last few months, finally finding a pair of Ei Yogo ECC83 Gray Plates.(not elite gold pins) as the best sounding in my system. I use an Electraglide Ultra Khan 2 Revalation/Revised Statement on the JD... 
Manley Laboratories Amps-what do you think?
I think the Manleys are a great recommendation for you. All their amplification from the integrated Stingray to the Monoblock powerhouses are known for their tight fisted power supply regulation and sound great with many types of speakers. IMO you... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Today I ordered both Arthur Williams/Jesse Hoggard and Leroy Jodie Pierson's APO Direct to Disc LP's from Acoustic Sounds. Thanks for the link Albertporter!Tonight features several different artists starting with:Ben Folds: Rockin' the Suberbs --3... 
headphone help
Grado's if you like dynamics and a forward presentation...to ME thats not a good thing with phones. I had SR 225 and 325i's...Personally I love the Sennheiser 600 or 650..the difference is not dramatic. 600's are a bargian at under $200. here and ... 
Sennheiser upgraded cable Cardas/Equinox?
It's a bit less stiff and heavy..but still likes to "coil up" if its handeled excessivly. I find that if I keep it run out straight to the amp from my listening position, its less of a chore to handle. 
Sennheiser upgraded cable Cardas/Equinox?
6/27/05... I have logged about 75 hours on the Blue Dragon cables with the Sennheisers.This cable definately sounds better balanced than the Silver Dragon. It is especially smooth, yet open in the highs.Tremendous layering and tonal quality,airyne... 
tube amp for usher 6371
Im driving my 6371's with a Manley Stingray in Ultralinear 50W. This is one heavenly matched sound! Excellent bass drive and dynamics with sweet mids and highs. Ive tube rolled a got a sound I truly love. :) 
Audio Research ls 15/16 Tube rolling
Probably not a great idea IMO. A 3 tube Phono stage usually dictates the use of matched low noise tubes for best sonics. Mixing 6922/7308 here may not be wise..different tubes with different characteristics of gain, noise ect..Your 5358's may also...