

Responses from jtgofish

Tube amp for rock? Newb Questions
I heard a pair of Supratek Monduese KT88s at 100watts RMS driving some rebuilt Gale 401s[one of the alltime great rock speakers].Stevie Ray Vaughan never sounded better. 
Class-D amps - a different re view
As I understand it the real weakness with digital type amps is that they lack 3D image depth.Of course many people do not seem to mind this but once you have a system which has excellent front to back depth there is no going back.I have friends th... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I have a Supratek Cabernet preamp with Mundorf capacitors.Has anyone tried swapping the Mundorfs for V Caps?I love my preamp the way it is[TJ Meshplate 300b] but if the V Caps are better again I would be willing to try them.Any suggestions or expe... 
Unhappy with tubes so which transistor amp?
The only non tube power amps I have heard that give SET type image depth and layering and that "reach out and touch it" soundstage are the Gainclone type chip amps. 
New Tweeters: In or Out of Phase?
My suspicion is that the Vifa tweeter has lower impedence than the KEF T27.Even if they are rated at the same nominal impedence their actual impedence could be quite different.Impedence affects crossover points so there are other factors to consid... 
$40.000 speaker advise. Check out my list
Are $40,000 speakers really any better than a good pair of $15000 speakers?If you are going to spend this sort of money you probably need to look at active speakers like the SGR Octagons.At least these include amplification and crossovers specific... 
Are Horn Speakers good or bad or simply a complete joke?
I love horns.I own Edgarhorns and built back loaded horns.They have a scale,richness and dynamic ease that is very musical.Where they fail though is phase coherency. Compared to point source,planar or a really well designed dynamic speakers they c... 
Midrange Better Than Harbeth or Spendor?
The Ambience ribbons have a fantastically natural sounding midrange-with oodles of resolution and image precision too-and I am a "BBC sound" fan.I used Tangent RS4 and Rogers Export Monitors for years.In my opinion a good wide range ribbon is more... 
What speaker cables to buy
You should try using solid core copper lighting cable first [NOT stranded] as it costs almost nothing and many people prefer it to expensive cables.It is essentialy neutral sounding whereas other cables are contrived to sound different-and people ... 
Are dome midrange better than cone designs?
I have owned and built quite a few speakers which have used dome mids.In my opinion they are cpable of superb sound.They are generally less coloured and more natural sounding than even the best of cone midranges.They seem to be extremely hard to u... 
Bose 901...really
I have owned all sorts of speakers and I hate to admit it,but the Bose 901s are certainly one of the better ones.From an audiophiles perspective they cannot be taken seriously but that does not mean they can't be immensely enjoyable.They certainly... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Kgtuner,The internal wire might be silver coated copper but it is definitely not solid silver.I believe this cable is used due to its excellent soldering performance.I once used a Glass Audio designed preamp that used solid silver internal cabling... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Opuss88,I think many people must trip up with cables that do not sound neutral.Such cables might sound good in one system but not another-and because they sounded good in that system the assumption that they will still sound good when you try a di... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Opus and Marril,I think you should feel perfectly at ease making the statements you have.Your experiences are clearly not typical though.So either there is something unusual going on with your systems' synergy or you hear differently to most peopl... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Halogen lights[or their transformers?] in my house can cause hums.Fortunately I only have them in an adjoining room and can turn them off.Any number of experts wil tell you this should not happen but it does.