

Responses from jtgofish

Is active speaker the future?
S.G.R.Active done properly. 
The closest approach: what amplification?
It depends what sort of live event you are trying to reproduce.I think it is possible to convincingly reproduce small scale acoustic music which has been well recorded.In this regard I find SETs or OTL are most rewarding.Forget orchestral music or... 
Pure Class A shootout
Class A amps do offer lower distortion.But that does not mean they sound better.The distortion levels on A/B amps when well designed are also extremely low.I agree that Class A amps do tend to image well.But good A/B amps do so too.My experience w... 
Tannoy Prestige Speakers
I recently heard a pair of Yorkminsters driven by an Almarro 318b.Probably as good as anything I have heard.Not especially "audiophile" [thank goodness].They just cut straight to the soul of the music.As a reviewer on Audio Review said-I just melt... 
Pure Class A shootout
I have owned and used many Class A amplifiers over the years.All with the expectation that they should sound better than Class A/B.I have never heard any evidence that this is the case.They sound slightly different but I would not say better.I eve... 
NAD classic power amps good, great or mediocre
I have owned a few NAD power amps and never liked them.The Power Envelope ones like the 2200 sound especially poor-good bass amps but very 2D sounding.A shame because the preamps are excellent.The 1155 that was sold with the 2200 power amp was sup... 
Pure Class A shootout
Why limit yourself to Class A?There is a perception they sound better,and of course they look like they should,but that does not mean they do.Audiophiles seem to get really sucked in by banks of heat sinks for some reason. 
Amp recommendation for RS6
These are very good speakers with tube amps.Something like the Ming Da EL34A/B would be great.These are superb sounding tube amps and an absolute bargain.Also great build quality,very quiet and have none of the soggy bass or lack of drive you find... 
The best "imaging" speakers?
I have owned full range,stats,horns,ribbons and countless ordinary two and three ways.One speaker stood head and shoulders above anything else for imaging-Tannoy Super Gold 10 monitor.Lacking in musicality with a studio monitor cold sort of sound ... 
Anyone here using vintage speakers?
Gale 401a circa 1974.Used with a modern valve amp they are superb.Toshiba SS30s from the early 60s.One of the great listening experiences-almost Tannoy DC like in presentation-lacking the smear that plagues most speakers.Interesting to note Tangen... 
Tube Preamps
Try solid core copper speaker cable.Lighting cable can work very well in damping bright speakers and costs very little and outperforms most dedicated speaker cable.Many muti strand cables sound tinny by comparison. 
SS Amps that are NOT warm and euphonic ?
Timtim,I think I know what you are after.Most SS amps seem to be a bit warm and hazy.A lot of the early SS amps were not like this though.Later on SS amps were criticised for sounding cold so manufacturers tended to then make them sound warmer[but... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Jeffjazz and Fiddler,Well I really have become a bit sceptical about these sorts of tweaks.You can easily fool yourself into thinking these sorts of changes make a difference.The only way to be sure is to do an A/B comparison but even that is too ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Fiddler,I find all this very hard to believe.Have you read articles on sonic memory?More like the differences you are hearing are subjective or being influenced by your seating or head position. 
Great old speakers that are as good as new ones
There are many old speakers that sound as good as very good modern ones.They might be less neutral but that does not mean they are not as good-just that you have to take more care with amplifier and cable matching.Gale 401a speakers are fantastic ...