

Responses from jtgofish

Canadian Musicians
What!-no Celine fans around here?How about a Shatner/Celine duet album with Mariah Carey contributing too.It could be titled something like Shove a Kirk in it Divas!.Could be handy if you accidentally swallow poison and need to induce vomiting. 
A mistake spending too much on amplification?
Unless you have difficult speakers power amps are relatively unimportant.Preamps are much more important because they bring focus and coherence.Unfortunately most preamps are crap,and of course you don't come to realise this until you hear a reall... 
Pre amp for Pass Aleph 3
A friend has used a Supratek Grange to good effect.The Aleph 3 to my ears sounds good but a bit lifeless.So vibrant sounding preamps like the Suprateks suit them well.Even the cheap Chenin would work well. 
Best lines in a song
They don't make Jews no more like they did when they made Jesus- Kinky Freedman and the Texas Jewboys 
Tube preamp suggestions.
If you heard the Supratek and liked it then I think you are going to be hard pressed to find anything as good.Very few Supratek owners seem to have poblems with microphonics.The one you heard was obviously an exception.What valves was it using?I o... 
Spendor BC1's -How do you set them up best?
the BC1s are superb speakers but by modern standards are a bit boomy and shut in sounding.That does not mean that they are inferior though.I have always thought they have superb treble but perhaps this is room dependent.You should be using light o... 
HELP...Bubble Wrap Marks in PIANO BLACK Speakers??
Bubble wrap is abrasive.It is a mongrel thing for marking like this. The same thing happened to a dining table I sent to the other side of the world.You need to consult an auto spray painter.They might be able to buff the marks out with a cutting ... 
Upgrade order suggestion preamp vs speakers
The biggest improvement I have ever made in my system has been a Supratek Cabernet preamp.A good preamp gives focus.Without this focus changing speakers is pointless.I think preamps are the most important component in a good system.You need to get... 
Anyone else evolve beyond tubes?
Most people never get to hear tube amps at their best-which is with simple efficient speakers-or used to run just mid and treble with SS on bass duties.The problem is that most speakers are built to handle SS power and as a consequence don't suit ... 
SS amp mosfet 'haze' - ever experienced this?
Kalan,If you want fleshed out treble you should hear a Supratek Grange or Cabernet preamp with TJ meshplate 300Bs.Nothing I have heard comes even close.This is what I have been using with my $300 chip amp.An absurd mix of budgets and technology I ... 
SS amp mosfet 'haze' - ever experienced this?
Kalan,Yes my chip amps do sound best with efficient speakers but are also very good on hybrid stas that are quite a difficult load.On balance I still prefer a good valve amp but these things ,to my ears, still leave the vast majority of transistor... 
SS amp mosfet 'haze' - ever experienced this?
The chip amps I am refering to are the Gainclone type.They use Panasonic chips.I have two of these-a paralelled 4780 which is 100watts RMS and will drive difficult loads and a 3876T Sonic Art which is 56 watts RMS.They both sound very similar to m... 
SS amp mosfet 'haze' - ever experienced this?
Muralman, I am interested to hear about the way chip amps switch compared to transistors and why this could be a clue as to their sound.Are there any web articles about this? 
SS amp mosfet 'haze' - ever experienced this?
It is a generalisation and I accept that a lot of people don't seem to hear this and maybe never will.We do not all hear or at least listen the same way,but there are also many people who hear this haze and prefer valve amps.Not that some of them ... 
SS amp mosfet 'haze' - ever experienced this?
Hazy is how the vast majority of SS amps sound.Compressed too.Efficient speakers just highlight it more.The one exception seems to be chip amps that can sound amazingly clear and fresh on sensitive speakers.