

Responses from jtgofish

SET amp w/Neg feedback?
Atmashere,I am sure what you say is theoretically correct.I have had the opportunity to use amplifiers with variable feedback.Experimenting with the amount of feedback is very interesting.Certainly too much detracts from the sound.Most noticeable ... 
SET amp w/Neg feedback?
Using or not using feedback is NOT just about marketing hype.It fundamentally changes the damping factor of an amplifier.Most speakers will not work well with zero negative feedback ampifiers.This is especially true for speakers with low impedence... 
SET amp w/Neg feedback?
Almarro 318B has 6db of feedback.The best bass I have ever heard from a SET.As reviewers have said it sounds far more like a 100 watt SS amp in terms of bass control.A superb sounding amp in all other areas too. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I can't see any broblems with glue-as long as it is the appropriate glue for the job.Adhesive technology has come a long way since the 50s-when,no doubt, it was unsafe to glue in components.I use new technology adhesives in eveything I make and th... 
Tubelike SS Power amp
Accuphase.The only SS amps I have heard that sound tube like-and I have owned all sorts including pure Class A.Not quite as clear as a good SET amp but they do have some of the timbral qualities.Even the very old Accuphase amps like the P300 sound... 
Is anything better than Aleph 3?
It really depends what sound you prefer.I have heard an Aleph 3 many times but it never engaged me the way a good SET amp can.Actually no Class A SS amp I have heard does.They all sound a bit boring.Not that the Aleph 3 is bad.Just lacking life an... 
Made in Canada conundrum
A friend who married a Canadian and migrated there [from Australia] has a theory that Britain deported its convicts to Australia and its beauracrats to Canada-which was far worse! 
Cayin A-88t vs. Almarro A318B
Plangco,Was the Almarro you tried the 318A or 318B?Very different amps when it comes to driving ability.Of course not all amps suit all speakers.I find the 318B drives most speakers as well as 100 watt RMS transistor amps.They even handle 4 ohm lo... 
Build my own speakers?
I have built several speakers over the years.Good sounding speakers are not just a function of the electrical performance of the drivers and crossovers.They are a result of the acoustic performance of all the parts when acting together-and this ca... 
Best speakers for 3 cord rock and roll
One of the all time great rock speakers is the Gale 401a.These need heaps of power to really open up [you need an amp that can deliver 400 watts into 4 ohms],but are one of the few speakers that stay really clean and coherent at volume.They are on... 
Am I Bad Listener?
Itball, I think enjoying audio is a bit like enjoying wine.You really need some basic "how to sample instructions"in order to gain a higher level of understanding of what you should be listening for.Past a certain point the way in which a system d... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
There is an excellent new review of the Sauvignon in Australian Hi Fi November/December edition.Edgar Kramer is the reviewer and his review is spot on in my estimate.This bloke really knows how to listen.Nice to see that they measure very well too... 
Celestion Ditton 44 Speakers
The 44s use Celestion HF 2000 tweeters which are considered one of the best tweeters ever made.You also find them in other great speakers like Gale 401,BBC LS3/5a and Spendor BC3. 
Class-D amps - a different re view
I really wonder if Martin Collums has deliberately written such a controversial overview as a means of getting publicity for Hi Fi Critic.I am still undecided about Class D amps.I have heard some that certainly lacked vibrancy and image depth but ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I am reporting on hearing the Monduese amplifiers.I have always wanted a pair of Gale 401 chrome speakers for my second system.I am also a furniture designer and in my opinion they are the most lovely looking speakers ever built and very designer ...