

Responses from jtgofish

Which material sounds better for speakers construction? Wood, Ply or MDF?
Solid jarrah sounds excellent.It is a really dead sounding timber .I have used it laminated over MDF in larger speakers and as 100% solid in smaller speakers.It sounds much better than MDF or plywood to me.It is also great for turntable plinths an... 
Audiophile class AB vs Hypex N-core class D technologies .
The Nord amplifiers sound very good.They use Hypex with Class A input stage. 
B&W DM70's - top end lacking
I have owned two pairs of these.One pair sounded a bit dull but the other pair had lovely extended treble so it really depends on their condition. 
Still looking for speakers in the 10-20,000 range
The Yamaha NS5000s are wonderful sounding speakers.Worth importing if you can't get them locally.Plenty of the others mentioned here are great hi fi speakers but do not communicate the essence of the music like the NS5000s. 
Which Speaker Manufacturers (Besides ATC or PCM Feature Large Soft Dome Mid?
Yamaha NS 5000. 
Searching for the most "accurate" speaker (below 15K)
If you mean accurate as in a speaker that sounds like the real thing then I think the Yamaha NS5000 sets a new reference point.Especially in the midrange.Piano ,voices,strings or anything natural are all the most convincing I have heard from any s... 
Magico S5 vs KEF Blade 2 vs TAD Evo One vs YG Kipod II Sig w/pwr bass
No sorry but I have been on a search for the perfect speaker for 35 years and have owned every type but the Yamaha NS5000s are the first ones I have heard that are truly convincing.Not in a sonic fireworks sort of way but in an accurate and real s... 
Magico S5 vs KEF Blade 2 vs TAD Evo One vs YG Kipod II Sig w/pwr bass
Yamaha NS5000s are a must hear.A giant leap forward in midrange reproduction and the rest of the spectrum is also very good.But at last we have a speaker that reproduces voice and acoustic instruments that do not sound like speakers but rather the... 
Paradigm S8 vs. Sonus Faber Cremona M
The S8s sound fat and rubbery in the  bass and treble is OK but rather obvious.Very hi fi sounding but lacking in precision,dexterity and nuance.Live music does not sound like that. 
Why are so many companies like harbeth making old speakers designs and charging thousends?
Harbeth and Audionote are exactly the sort of product we should value because they are great examples of evolving and perfecting design rather than coming up with something new just for some perceived marketing reason. 
Music Lovers Speaker vs. Audiophile Speaker
A lot of expensive speakers might be detailed and image well but can't follow a tune and have poor resolution of timbre.So are lacking in musical engagement.I think the move to small diameter/high excursion drivers mounted in a tall narrow  ported... 
Are Nakamichi amps any good?
The pure Japanese Nakamichi 420 is a superb sounding little amp.Only 50 watts but high current.Better sounding than the PA7E in my experience. 
Yaqin VK-2100 or NAD C340 or C350 integrated?
The Yaqin can sound unusual.It is very clear but also very bright and seems to lack bass.Probably good for bass heavy speakers though.The Yaqin MC10 tube amp is the one you want.It sounds fantastic in all areas. 
SET Amp question
The Almarro 318B can drive some difficult speakers.I use one to drive Gale 401a speakers and most 100 watt SS amps struggle with these speakers.A 3.5ohm load and 88db sensitivity. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I have heard the new preamps.Not sure of the model I heard as it was a prototype but Mick said it would be the new mid priced one [Syrah?]I hate to say it but it sounded at least as good as my Cabernet.