

Responses from johnk

DIY. Whose speakers would you use?
Orpheus, What makes you think kits are not as well engineered as Polk or other products? 
DIY. Whose speakers would you use?
Think of a loudspeaker as a total design. If you have skills DIY is a possibility if not so gifted and most are not. A kit might be a good idea. If 1st build K.I.S.S. 
Endless debate: monitor + sub vs floorstanding
Agree with your proac dealer 
Which monitors for my tube system in a large room?
Endless debate: monitor + sub vs floorstanding
I say go full range most all subwoofers are highly compromised designs over small cabinet and driver, needing massive excursions and power. Requires reinforcement from room. Not the best way to generate deep detailed low distortion bass. Just a co... 
Best way to clean speakers
Micro fiber dust cloth. 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Consider DIY thats what I did after owning Duo 2.2 built my own horns I admit it was easy for me since its what I do. There are many DIY forums and cabinet plans etc. Find a local cabinet maker if you can not build yourself. Could look about for o... 
Avantgarde Uno's Or Klipsch La Scala MKII
Avantgarde Uno's Or Klipsch La Scala MKII
La Scalas where designed for sound reinforcement. I find many EV Altecs JBL to be far better performing and usually far less in cost. Buying a new La Scalas crazy too me for the best models where built in the 60s. A model 19 Altec will trounce a L... 
Are The Klipsch Heritage Series Really Worthy?
Go with the JBL LaScalas are not so good sounding for Klipsch go K horn. 
Avantgarde Uno's Or Klipsch La Scala MKII
To be honest after owning many Klipsch models inc the best year LaScalas. I do wonder why folk think there good sounding. For only the K Horn is worth while. Go for the Uno. If you insist on Klipsch buy a k horn. Of course YMMV 
Why & How to Make the 845 Power Tube of Choice?
With SET transformers are very important to over all quality. I owned 4 845 amplifiers. They do sound good but output too much light and heat for my tastes. Heck with my 845 on and no lights its possible to read by the light of the 845 alone. 
Ribbon Tweeters???
The cheapest HI VI they make. 
Ribbon Tweeters???
Do you know speaker model or hivi model? I use the rt2 pro its a good design for the cost. Some of the more affordable Hi vi model's can be a bit edgy to my ears. 
Which speakers to get for a Very Large Room.
Horns are your best choice your space is massive a dynamic loudspeaker design would have much thermo compression since large power would be needed to fill rooms volume to create adequate SPL and dynamics. The voice coils would be near melting temp...