

Responses from johnk

The best tweeter design
There is no best. Only best choice for design. But of all the hi frequency transducers Ive heard used and this incs $5k diamond domes, plasma and the better ribbons was fostex t500amk2 but then only with matching horns. 
StereoTimes Interview with Duke LeJeune/Audiokines
Way to go Duke! 
Single driver point source speakers vs. the world?
Weseixas why come to audiogon at all? You have no feedback offer no financial support for this site. Yet you feel free to troll post over and over. Seems you have issues with personality wish I could help. 
Single driver point source speakers vs. the world?
fostex f200a fe206en 
Single driver point source speakers vs. the world?
Single driver point source speakers vs. the world?
The loudspeakers is designed as a whole cabinet is chosen to get the best out of driver there is no cabinet thats thats good for all. 
Why not horns?
Limited production using finest materials since only selling a few costs are reflected in retail also yen is stronger than dollar last I looked. Now are GOTO or ALE worth the outlay I say yes but not in all cases I feel fostex t500amk2 to be bette... 
Single driver point source speakers vs. the world?
Time, phase correct, point source. Easy load for amplifier,lower power requirements are all benefits of fullrange drivers. There are many available but I feel the cheap ones only give a small taste of what a proper fullrange design can do. Weaknes... 
Why not horns?
A lot $ for fostex fe126e. Check out horn shoppe you could buy near 2 new pair http://www.thehornshoppe.com/ I had a few customers use this type of treatment on rare fe206esr. Owners had to replace drivers. Buyer beware. 
The Hub: Just how bad is it in high end audio?
I see a future where larger manufacture are near nonexistent that only small factory direct will have a chance to survive. If one can not go into a holding pattern to wait this out. They will go under. 
What speakers use SEAS or SEAS-sourced drivers?
http://www.madisound.com/store/index.php?manufacturers_id=177 exotic line is SEAS best. 
Klipsch Chorus or Cornwall II
Consider Altec model 15 a better loudspeaker than the Klipsch and in your price range. 
Proac D38R with SET amp
min power requirements 10 watts 4 ohms a SET will not be a good match at all. 
New KEF Release in September
Another rectangular floor stander, doesn't look able to make even a small leap let alone a giant one. But I expect much now since KEF did say giant... 
Proac D38R with SET amp
Why not use loudspeakers designed for SET use? Only 10 watts? most loudspeakers wouldn't run so well of this but some exist that are designed for such use. Many people expect SET to run most everything and there just asking for system mismatches a...