

Responses from johnk

travelling speakers
Ive got some Styrofoam bass horns with your name on them ;) 
Owning too many speakers
I do not know how many I own 
Anyone try stuffing their ports?
Changing a ported design to a sealed without understanding design or knowing specs on driver etc shows a miss understanding of loudspeaker design. Sure sound changed and for some thats all that is needed. Improved very unlikely unless design was f... 
Anyone try stuffing their ports?
Why would you want too? Are you more capable a designer than the one who designed your loudspeakers? And if you are why didnt you just build your own sealed design in the 1st place? 
Transmission Line Bass
You can make the T line as long as bass wave. 
speaker banana plugs
You tin the ends to keep from oxidation and corrosion, oxidized copper doesn't conduct so well. If you use bare wire which is best you need to clean or re-strip so connections not oxidized on a fairly regular basis unless tinned or you use connect... 
Subwoofer to go with Wilson Maxx II's
31.5in fostex super woofer. Would be my suggestion a good step up from drivers used in all commercial sub-woofers or bass systems. 
Is speaker accuracy important for a rock speaker?
Altec model 15 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
No they are a turn off. Women will pretend to be interested in what you enjoy if they truly like you but trust me when they move in your systems on the chopping block. Rare is the women who enjoys equipment or loves you enough to let you enjoy hob... 
Best high-efficiency speaker under 10K
Thought Sam returned the Klipsch 
Speaker cabinets: How important is inert
Cabinet materials do have an effect on overall sound quality. Small transducers can also vibrate on baffles smearing image. Cabinet surfaces also vibrate this can cause added colorations. For me Baltic birch ply is one of the better materials for ... 
Electrostat - M-L; Quad or Soundlab - reliable
They do act as electrostatic air filters so most need cleaning from time to time but are reliable. I would say soundlabs are the better stats. Ask Duke for a demo hes a great guy to deal with. 
Sealed vs Ported Subwoofers
Sealed or ported both have benefits and - aspects to performance.There are ported designs that outperform sealed as there are sealed designs that outperform ported. The total design of the average subwoofer system is all about compromise. Cabinets... 
Seasoned ears only
Most Loudspeaker do perform better today still the best of vintage can be very satisfying performers. I collect vintage and some of the transducers are very well designed. Mostly compression drivers from the past are equal to or better than many m... 
StereoTimes Interview with Duke LeJeune/Audiokines
Equilateral triangle speaker set up is pretty common knowledge among audiophiles,depends on design but works for many loudspeakers. I thought Paul Voight has the 1st to suggest such but not sure.