

Responses from johnk

High end speakers without bi-wiring?
Signal is the same on both runs unless split by active or passive crossover before loudspeaker. One can hook a loudspeaker up to your supposed treble run and signal will be full range to loudspeaker. Or simple swap of treble run to woofer would pr... 
High end speakers without bi-wiring?
You have the same signal on both runs of biwire. The treble and bass do not just travel on the cable run you pick for them unless actively filtered. 
Yamaha NS 1000M Find
Seems you should send a anonymous check to the thrift store since you've gotten such under priced deals. I do hope its not linked to a charity. 
High end speakers without bi-wiring?
Bi wiring benefits are not supported by fact just subjectively. So YMMV if you hear improvement. But biamping is a very useful option for some and the only reason I use dual binding posts on KCS models. I do think its the reason most speaker manuf... 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
Unsound this may be a bit too much for you too grasp but I see at least 2 other industry professionals in this thread alone who are not following your self imposed rule against industry professionals not going over and beyond the rules to identify... 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
Unsound like all folks in the industry if one clicks on my sign on it mentions my busines so I follow forum rules.I do wonder again why you insist I have to follow different rules then the other industry professionals who you chat with in this ver... 
From pro to hi-fi and a little confused...
84db 1 watt 4 ohms you can bet that 3in coils near melting point at peaks. I do think its a fine sounding loudspeaker but its not without flaws or weakness like all things. To me I hear smaller designs compress dynamics and when played loud I here... 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
I stand by my post unsound your post above insists all horns honk are shrill have issues in crossover and all headphones do not sound like real music wheres your proof of such absolutes? All untrue highly biased subjective comments not based in an... 
So what is the best speaker you have ever owned?
My custom horn speakers using fostex t500amk2 JBL 2440 with mods custom KCS mid bass horn with dual 12in and giant KCS bass horn equal to 8-18in woofers in ported cabinet. 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
Unsound just face the fact not a horn on Earth your bias would let you enjoy. So why not just enjoy what you own and give the horn owners a break? Most of what you post is unsupported by any fact. Just your opinion and personal bias. We get it you... 
From pro to hi-fi and a little confused...
Dynamic compression. Dynadios are fine loudspeakers but all things have there place. And if transducers and cabinets are undersized you limit dynamic ability's of loudspeaker. You have to sit very close to smaller loudspeakers to reduce this if no... 
Why no reviews of the Magnepan 3.7 in Stereophile
Sorry misunderstood post. I thought you wanted a answer now I see you just wanted purchase validation. A review to prove to yourself you made the right choice. 
Why no reviews of the Magnepan 3.7 in Stereophile
Easy because manufacturer or editor doesn't want or have time to review them. Why cant you listen and make up your own mind if the 3.7 for you? Reviews offer little real hands on experance offers much. 
Most significant upgrade
Would depend on your budget system room and listening tastes. 
Noice from fan in Audio Research VT 100 MK III
Try cleaning it, fans will increase noise as blades pickup dust dirt hair etc.