

Responses from johnk

Compairson ground rules....should we have them?
In audio forums you have a large difference in experience levels and technical knowledge the sad part about the audio forum concept in general is people usually give about the same value to comments, expert or novice all receive near equal voice a... 
A warning to all about HUGE Subwoofers
I run and offer some of the largest and most powerful bass systems on the planet. I do not damage my home. I use a bass horn equal to 6-8 18in woofers in ported cabinets I use this as part of my office system. While I can pressurize a large hall w... 
A warning to all about HUGE Subwoofers
If your system can not pressurize your listening space you are for sure missing something wonderful. If this doesn't mater to you nothing wrong with that. But without the pressure detail across the range is missing. And the excitement and suspensi... 
Some impression on Zu Omen Definition
Rawsons are not even close Ive owned 3 of his and 4 1st watt. 
Speakers under $3-4,000?
Audiokinesis has a new design out in your price range its well thought out and a good deal. 
Question on small bass drivers in tower speakers
Duke sure ya know this but transducers do not move air sound waves propagate via air molecules bumping into their neighbors. This transfers some energy to these neighbors, which will cause a cascade of collisions between neighbouring molecules. Wh... 
Question on small bass drivers in tower speakers
Smaller drivers distort more than larger, greater thermo compression, larger excursions do not equal lower distortions. http://sound.westhost.com/articles/pwr-vs-eff.htm 
Question on small bass drivers in tower speakers
A compromise in design for increased sales, hi WAF ,less shipping, construction, packing,and material costs for manufacturer, distributor. Lastly the multiple smaller woofers are needed to approach the bass of a proper sized transducer. Which they... 
A warning to all about HUGE Subwoofers
The larger the subwoofer or bass system the less it will cause issues with peaks and nulls or as you would say vibration in room walls furnishings. 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
I use a med efficient ribbon hybrid loudspeaker in one of my systems, enjoyable has much detail can listen for long hours without fatigue like my main horn system. Ribbons today are now tube friendly and more efficient than dynamics that are not h... 
Ribbon tweeters...out of favor these days?
I use Mundorf AMT good transducers 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
What does one purchase after owning horns?
And Unsound I'm sure a thiel 3.5 is so much better than a classic audio reproduction field coil horn system. My pair of 3.5 sure wasn't. And Who on earth listens to horns in there home at 120db? That comment just shows your unjustified bias agains... 
Speakers for a large vaulted room?
Another room that screams for horns another owner who will just place another inefficient dynamic design and wonder why it does not sound so great. 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Atmasphere you said{250 watts to produce the same output}. Not true you forget the -6-7db of thermo compression that the dynamic would experience. So its not possible for a dome thats not horn loaded to equal output of a horn tweeter.It will melt ...