

Responses from johnk

What does one purchase after owning horns?
More music, a comfy chair, good beverages. 
What speakers have best bass for hip hop, and rock
I have some crunk or rap that images wonderfully. Some has bass equal to pipe organs lower range. Sure like most music there's allot of bad stuff out but some is very good if you have a open mind and hungry ear. I would also agree with Shadornes p... 
Ocellia speakers and power
Atmasphere If you want to bring one that can let me know. 
Lowthers and subwoofers?
Bass horn not subwoofer. These match up much better with fullranges like Lowther. 
Ocellia speakers and power
Atmasphere not rated at -6db down heck f200a is near 25hz before -6db down. Sksos1 DX 4 can get to 40hz or lower in massive horn cabinet just because your loudspeakers equipped with dx4 doesn't. Does not mean its not possible lowther claims 30hz. 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
More like stereo killed off hi eff. Tossing in the new air suspension designs increasing power availability it wasn't sound quality but cost and size that did the big horns in. 1st stereo broad casts where 1 channel AM 1 FM those early adopters bo... 
Ocellia speakers and power
Atmasphere there are 8in fullranges that go lower than the 12in KM30 or h30lb15. Like Fostex f200a lowther pm4a and most quality 8in fullrange in proper cabinet can do 40hz fe206en fe208esigma fx200 SEAS X-1 SEAS Fa22 Lowther dx4 all are capable o... 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
Lots of wrong info enjoy it. 
Is the Accuton driver that good?
SEAS X-1 Fostex f200a fostex fe2008e sigmas with t900a or t500amk2 tweeters still less cost than PHY. Or better yet a compression front horn speaker. Problem with PHY is the price more than performance. They to me are not cost effective for perfor... 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
Keep in mind we listen to a system not just a speaker, source, cables, amp etc. Also we all have different personal tastes and expectations. So while I prefer efficiency even when using higher power. Others may prefer a stat or dynamic driven with... 
Speakers for Bedroom - Vinyl/Vintage equipment
Altec model 15 19 A5 A7 other models of Altec would work well.. 
Is the Accuton driver that good?
Charles1dad, I did offer PHY loudspeakers but I do find there to be other transducers that are better sounding for less outlay. That being said PHY km30sag and other PHY transducers are great for acoustic music but to me a bit colored and the bask... 
Is the Accuton driver that good?
I just love all the wrong uninformed posts by those who feel they have a grasp on loudspeaker design. Keep it coming I need some humor. 
Is the Accuton driver that good?
Audioconnection is listed as a commercial user why the beef? 
Why not horns?
I still see Lascalas around under $1k. Altec A7 to me the better design also under 1k. Altec model 19s about 1.5k, K horns about 2.5k. All good loudspeakers lots of other options in horns under 1k if you buy used, pro-audio or vintage.