

Responses from johnk

Speaker Suggestions for 300b SET Amp
A SET on proper loudspeaker is wonderful and can yield incredible enjoyable sound but as others stated much care is needed when matching loudspeakers to such. Or one is just SETing themselves up for failure. I can run anything I have multiple syst... 
Dude, where's my bass? Oh, lost to stiffened rubber surrounds...who knew?
Hard to tell how things will really age and I honestly do not think that modern drivers will age as well as some vintage has. I have modern drivers in my scrape piles many killed by foam degradation modern plastics are used in most everything and ... 
Faint speaker hiss
Have 110db 1 watt loudspeakers running and no noise so while a bit of hiss can be normal in some systems its possible to not have any. Many point to tube amps as having noise but I have found that some SS amplifiers can be even more so. 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Ran a few JK 45 SETs nice amps I also had a AG Duo 2.2 and had issues with bass integration so moved on to fully horn loaded systems..  Audio play back has so many variables and to me that is  great it allows many options. I would say that horns c... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Dynamic compression in speakers themselves?
http://www.ajaudio.co.uk/Loudspeaker%20thermal%20compression.htm   Thermal compression is a term used to describe the effect on a loudspeaker of the voice coil heating up during use.  
Dynamic compression in speakers themselves?
Clarity Mundorf Solen Fostex a good num more all make hi-quality capacitors  
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrxwudn7C4w&t=2327s Siegfried Linkwitz is complaining about conventional designs and he even is holding up a model of a conventional ported monitor complaining about its design one would have to be daft to think... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
larryi practical isn't what audiophiles or audiophiles system are about. Many front horns can be placed near wall or corners so take up less usable room sqft than standard audiophile fare of monitors on stands pulled out into room. My giant commun... 
Dynamic compression in speakers themselves?
Oil caps can fail at about 20 years of age so you may have a wee bit of change in crossover values. Crossover parts have made advancements in materials  sound quality but not innovation. Honestly if your looking to upgrade it maybe time to do so. ... 
Dynamic compression in speakers themselves?
The primary audio characteristics I want to achieve in my system is an open, uncompressed, unstrained, and highly dynamic presentation.           A horn does all this a more and can run off low power thus very little thermal compression.          ... 
Dynamic compression in speakers themselves?
Your experiencing thermal compression 1 reason why so many audiophiles tend to use systems sparingly or for short sessions for with longer playing time VC heating and compression can cause listener fatigue. Its the price audiophiles pay for runnin... 
Speaker Suggestions for 300b SET Amp
Hoffman’s Iron Laws of Speaker Building1) Bass Extension2) Efficiency3) Small EnclosureThe law is that you can only have two of these three attributes in speaker building.  Ideally we would want all three, we want speakers with good bass, can pl... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
phusis-{ In essence: the controversy surrounding "horns," as I see it, has more to do with misinformation, confusion of definition, convenience and habitual bias than any actual assessment of a pair of true horn speakers}  I agree -I would also a... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Would agree horns match best with horns making a hybrid system is a compromise. Full horn loaded systems are rare mostly due to size and since rare not many experience them. I have people fly in from many parts of the earth to hear mine. I have bu...