

Responses from johnk

Any suggestions for sound dampening and/or control for Golden Ear Triton Ones?
Why do you want wet loudspeakers? If you do fill tub with water set each in for 24 hours. 
Nature of the current used speaker market
Only those who care little about money can afford to buy something that loses equity at such a massive rate as high end audio. Thus not much interest in heavily discounted but still greatly over priced high end kit. Today most are cash strapped an... 
‘modern’, ‘mainstream’ speakers—too many models converging towards too similar a sound
Ways to reduce diffraction :Best way to eliminate diffraction is to use an infinite baffle. Or a finite baffle design, which extends 17 m in all directions (this eliminates diffraction up to 20 Hz). Highly impractical.Choosing a different shape ... 
‘modern’, ‘mainstream’ speakers—too many models converging towards too similar a sound
Many manufacturers are using same design tools a good num are having speakers manufactered in the same country at the same facilitys or are sourcing from same. Manufactures must consider shipping costs thus its a top priority in design same with p... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
K horns are availble used  $2500 up. Altec a7 $800 and up EV has full horn options under a $1000. Most of these are a good step up from LaScala. The low used price allows room for well thought out upgrades. If ones in the know world class horns ca... 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
Troll post so good bye going to frequent far more useful forums. 
High order crossovers
I think one needs to look at loudspeakers as the sum of their design and parts. Focusing on one aspect like networks not really useful for if wanting greater dynamics in loudspeakers one looks for a more dynamic design and it could have a good num... 
narrow and wide baffles and imaging
The baffle is part of the over all design too small like many designs  today requires BSC in networks and thus is inferior to those with proper sized baffles that do not require correction in network 
The most fun you can have in audio is DIYing your own speakers
10x is very off. Pricing for retail goes more like this manufacturer gets 30-40% over total costs retailer sells for about 33% over what he paid manufacturer. Still some like magico are pricing at what the market will bare.But on average if it cos... 
Listening Height Adjustment -- Is This Why Two People Don't Hear the Same?
{ The whole point of this thread is that the height of each listener’s ears needs to be optimized to the position of the speakers, and that differences in listener torso dimensions need to be taken into account}. Depends on radiation pattern o... 
Stephens Trusonic 120CX. Unsure what cabinet brand is/original?
Looks like DIY cabinets most of these drivers ended up in such. 
Speakers can be big AND easy to drive
My RCAs are 16 ohm 106db 1 watt 2 meter  
Do Bigger Speakers Mean a Bigger Window?
Vintage items that become desired collectables usually still have some use. The most desirable loudspeakers of the past usually have no modern equivalents the desire to own has fueled a great amount of reproductions. What one considers collectable... 
Do Bigger Speakers Mean a Bigger Window?
I pulled out a few of my monitors this weekend morel ziv 2 and a pair of high end dynaudios. While they do sound fine why I keep them arround they do not even get close to the natural realistic sound of my much larger loudspeakers. Even when I use... 
Best 845 SET mono amps?
1930s RCA MI