

Responses from johnk

Move your sub
Your optimizing the bass time arrival if subs near plane loudspeakers occupy you could also place behind listener or on sides if physical distance is near same as seated listener is from both speakers and sub. You could keep subs physical distance... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
 Your confusing directional loudspeakers with horn designs and they are not the same thus why you are confused a directional loudspeaker is kind of "sound flashlight" that can "shine" sound energy into a precise spot, even from some distance away ... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
From the Meyer Sound website -Optimized compression drivers with constant-directivity horn- also directional loudspeakers are not horn systems used by audiophiles etc they are LRAD types using narrow frequency ranges and are not designed for fidel... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
What is a directional loudspeaker?A conventional loudspeaker is designed to spread sound over a fairly wide area: it has a paper or plastic cone that moves back and forth, pumping sound in a wide arc in front of it. The more energy you feed into... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Kosst -Not one of my local dealers stock focal    Logic suggests if I can't find them, nobody is trying to sell them because nobody wants to buy them       No dealers selling tube gear in my area   Logic suggests if I can't find them, nobody is ... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Kosst {I think their general behavior and theory is fundamentally flawed} in what ways are horns fundamentally flawed? you can think this all you want but its just a bias unless you have facts to support this bold claim. Kosst{ Logic suggests if ... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Kosst  {Are you trying to tell me the hideous, honky, plastic horns JBL and Klipsch sell at Best Buy are great examples of horns and proof that horns are widely desired?} No that is all in your mind {  I love to bring over people who own that Bes... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Kosst{ Since the horn market is a distinct minority in the larger hi-fi market} Already proved this wrong JBL klipsch are still market leaders in sales.    {I'm clearly not the only one who doesn't like them} that would be true- but this statemen... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Kosst- {Since the horn market is a distinct minority in the larger hi-fi market, I'm clearly not the only one who doesn't like them. MOST people don't like them.}  Non sequitur   
Musician vs. audiophile
Most people do not care that much about playback sound quality or listening as main activity so why would musicians be different? I know a few who are audiophiles and I turned a couple on to this hobby. But over all we are a just a few nuts and ex... 
Are my " diamond " tweeters really diamond
vapor deposited on cone made from another material so more like diamond coated 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Worked with a good num of BLH designs. I mostly prefer front loaded horn systems over hybrids and BLH. But one can build a great sounding loudspeaker using BLH etc I just prefer full front horn loading and that can get large not all want, can affo... 
Epos speakers - no longevity?
Planed obsolescence seems modern audios not built to last. Much can not be properly repaired and is designed to be binned not rebuilt.  
Dude, where's my bass? Oh, lost to stiffened rubber surrounds...who knew?
Get the surround repaired rubbers lucky if it lasts 10-15 years system I am running as I type uses drivers from the 1950s 60s 70s all are orignal all are in spec. They sure dont make it like they use to. 
high-efficiency loudspeakers
best in hieff is full front loaded horn systems