

Responses from johnk

Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
The latest Stereophile compared a few of the better rated monitors against a unnamed Altec horn and reviewer mentioned the Altec besting them in many ways. 
Matching phono stage to low-output SET pre and mono amplifiers -- Korneff
Ran 3 into my JK 45 SET -Art Audios Vinyl 1, Parasounds JC3 and Dynavectors P75mk3 no issues you shouldnt have much trouble finding a matching phono pre consider more how the phono pre matches cartridge.. 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Speaker looks like a Carfrae big horn                        http://img.ukaudiomart.com/uploads/large/1337456-carfrae-big-horn-speakers.jpg 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Soundsreal if you change your you to I then I agree that is how you feel about horns and maybe you have a love hate thing going on. While I have owned a few horn systems that maybe were not the best for long term use. I tend to think a good amount... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
With all loudspeaker designs you compromise. Perfection does not exist in anything so since nothings perfect,designers take these imperfect parts and make a imperfect loudspeaker. We set it up in a imperfect room play imperfect music from a imperf... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Everything you know is wrong," Firesign Theater- thxs that one cracked me up.. 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Many assume horns are good for high SPL use only many assume they all need massive amount of SQFT to house and get integration many assume all horns are plagued with coloration or have no ability to image, or that horns for audio use are rare cost... 
Viva Solistino Amp
By "pretty" do you mean aesthetically? Yes- but the master sound 300b amps I had are far from ugly just I prefer the look of VIVA. Both delivered wonderful 300b SET sound both reliable as stones and I run amps more than most users. Differences b... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Why I use a massive community leviathan with 4 altec 515b and massive multicell with tad in my office system is how wonderful horns can sound at low levels as well as high with very low listener fatigue I use them all day long. A big horn sounds f... 
Open Baffle. Why are they mostly limited to DIY?
Open baffles existed long before dahlquist  I have one from the 1930s as far as DIY I think many look at a OB thinking its a easy build and it can be, but if done right it can be as complicated and material intensive as any other design if not mor... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Yes horn people have a over all general consensus those who have experienced much know whats good or bad in horns and how to use them. But you still have the pro-audio gents who look at vintage as crazy you have the klipsch crowd and those who onl... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Listening as a primary activity is rare indeed sometimes I trick people into doing so I turn on the big shearer horns sit them in best spot and say be back in a few mins. More than one who think the hobby crazy has understood why I pursue after bu... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
 I could be wrong but a bit of research shows klipsch and jbl to be 4th and 5th in US speaker sales num.  
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
-Why do dynamic loudspeakers practically own the speaker market at every price point? Cheap and easy to design, ship, market, manufacturer. Why do bud light coors light and miller lite own the beer market? Because that is what the mass market want... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Reason I asked why the controversy? Is that it has been my experience that horn loudspeakers bring with them this air of crazy owner not a valid high-end choice 1/2 deaf only listens loud that ribbon dome planar estat dynamic plasma options do not...