

Responses from johnk

Who said “ flat freq response “ is the best?
In a room no system is measuring flat you have to go to heroic efforts to even get close. Aiming for flat from a design perspective is so end user has a known base to work from still many designs do not aim for flat response adding more variables ... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
I never heard any monitor or slim floorstander ever yield proper scale to musical play back or proper dynamics.I have only heard large loudspeakers approach realistic scale and dynamic range and some of those loudspeakers are horn based.I can se... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
I enjoy all types of loudspeaker all have uses all one can make synergistic systems out of. Horns have strengths weakness like all things to ignore strengths and only focus on weak points is self defeating with a system made of multiple devices pl... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Open your mind and ears and give a horn system a unbiased extended listen..  
Have Passive Preamps Finally Come of Age?
Its all about achieving system synergy active passive buffer all can be used in proper system and can achieve synergy but I would say passive types take more thought and also have more chance of disrupting synergy. At this time I have a art audio ... 
Awesome customer service from Simply Speakers
Did you buy multiple units? think min for discounts 10.  Are you a retailer or manufacturer? If not demanding a discount because you think they pushed a tweeter pair on you is good reason to hang up on you.         Most likely tweeters suggest wer... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
 I design loudspeakers not just horns. I also collect restore manufacturer loudspeakers not just horn based. I do have a nice pair of Dynaudios I pulled out of my loudspeaker collection and just finished listening to for a few days in my main syst... 
Awesome customer service from Simply Speakers
At Madisound all are part owners since madisounds employee owned.  As far as rude by reading in a bit to your post above you may be a bit of a abrupt person and it could be that the experience you received from the nice Midwestern folks at madisou... 
What makes a speaker sound great at low volume?
High eff with low power its not hard to find low noise amplifiers. 
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!
Audio today is in a death price spiral  manufacturer A raises prices since so many audiophiles correlate price with performance so manufacturer Bs lower price on top model is seen as being lower in performance over costlier model A thus manufactur... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Open your mind and ears and give a horn system a unbiased extended listen.. I think most never do so before they comment negatively and rely on hearsay and bias to form opinion.  
Why Aren't More Speaker Designers Building Augmented Widebanders?
To many offering such to list. 
JA Perspecitve Stereophile review
If loudspeakers are english designs or built flaws become + if not flaws become exaggerated. JA is old and highly biased towards english products. 
How loud is too loud
you may have damaged the tweeters  
Most resolving Speaker
it doesn't exist since you will not get any consensus