

Responses from johnk

Who makes the best "Coaxial" Tweeter/Midrange design?
BMS SEAS TAD no best just different options 
Why have the prices of Marantz and Sansui speakers have gone up so much? Whyyyy???
Some of the receivers etc  from the 1970s are collectible now people are buying the speakers and TT etc to get complete systems. This in no way obsoletes any audiophiles gear selection so just relax. It doesn't mean that they are inferior to you t... 
Your Side by Side Experience With Best Vintage vs Newer Expensive Hi Tech Speakers
I work with the most modern of transducer I design loudspeakers have been doing so for over 25 years. I sort out designs for other manufacturers as well as design transducers. Many products on the market have a bit of me in them. I also collect an... 
Is there a need for cinema. Speaker from theaters
Pro audio and theater audio can be as good or better performing than audiophile products.  
Missing the Old Days
Speakers least affected by room acoustics
Large horns are the least effected by room issues if the fit they will work well. Horns have controlled radiation patterns thus less to reflect off wall floors etc. 
Two Type of sound and listener preference are there more?
   Such a narrow minded line of thought so if your into musicality your flawed if into type 1 your gold. Poster seems to not consider that those who may enjoy musicality might also like massive dynamics accuracy detail clarity or high SPL they als... 
Two Type of sound and listener preference are there more?
You ask this { Are there more then this as two distincly different camps?} and end with this { Please discuss, you can cite examples of products or systems but keep to the topic of sound and nothing else.} so whats this all about then? Also post... 
Avant-garde speakers
For horn based systems I prefer updated vintage. I have a few complete examples of the best designs in horns.  RCA MI Shearer horn is a amazing thing to hear and behold its in a complete different level of performance over AG designs. AG is nice s... 
Avant-garde speakers
Owned AG horns prefer Altec  RCA etc 
Martin Logan speakers
Owned 7 pair of  logans over the years plus descent subs and have heard most newer models and honestly they got it right on CLS2Z and the other models well they dont have that magic. Logan also has raised prices as have others and cut corners on q... 
Genesis APM-1 subwoofer substitute
Soon I will be working on a pair of apm-1 for a friend since they have made advancements in subwoofer plate amplifiers I will buy a pair of those to replace failed I would also outboard the plate amps so as to leave the stock intact. I may also up... 
Magnepan 3.7i/3.6 owners- Free stands...new prototype development
Was just at the local dealer I am a former maggie owner was checking out new models and honestly no way I could own a pair they rock so poorly on the weak stands. I had a pair of 1.7 last and was so worried about dogs kids life wind knocking them ... 
Price to list ad
facebook has many audio sales sites its were I buy and sell the most   https://www.facebook.com/groups/473607092676131/                                 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1598234160391737/ 
Damaged speaker rubber on Focal Electra 1008 Be. Return or Keep?
Fill the holes and run the darn things they most likely are fine the surround looks to be a non issue