

Responses from johnk

The midrange is the most important driver.
If only 1 driver I would use a fullrange or a electrostatic. And I use a fostex fe168e sigmas in my 1920s pair of giant RCA MI front horns. 
The midrange is the most important driver.
In many 2 ways tweeters have to cover much range thus can get costly and you may see tweeters costing more than woofers in such a set up. But in general you design a loudspeaker as a whole. Focusing on 1 aspect of a loudspeakers design as the most... 
The midrange is the most important driver.
if its a fullrange its the most important otherwise a loudspeaker is the sum of its parts and design  
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
{Edgar Villchur started the controversy}  Do agree that sellers of early AS stereo designs had to talk owners into buying 2 new speakers and getting rid of those old RCA Altec JBL Lowther WE horns. Wonder whats more usable and valuable today the... 
Not much discussion around MBL
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrNOq41LGjs   Love the design and the pair I heard sounded great but after I watched this vid I wonder about the use of foam in transducer elements since my findings are this type of foam degrades after about 10-15 ... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
{ the interest in horn material damping somehow appears MIA}  Maybe a few costly german horns are not addressing it but most all others do. GOTO goes all out in doing so and many other horns do not need much due to material choices. You also see a... 
RIP Arnie Nudell
Arnie was the guy I pointed out when folks give new loudspeaker start ups grief with the old built in a garage line. He will be missed. 
$20K to spend on speakers…. . wait! There’s a catch!
I would buy a collectible horn based loudspeaker used for 20k enjoy it and if I felt the need for change flip it for 25k 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Kosst you said{ It's no mystery to me at all why you NEVER see horn loaded bass guitar rigs}  http://philjonesbass.com/product/16-h-bass-horn-speaker/ 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Kosst- Altec -a7 a5, Klipsch- Lascala Belle Khorn all run well off class A SS all are under 5k pair- fully horn loaded systems get large and thus costly. Also since you only know me from a few posts in this forum you are not aware that I design lo... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
https://www.stereophile.com/content/listening-125   2013 stereophile article about Altec Valencia 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Altec had a few versions of a7 one for PA one for theater the theater model is a good bit better sounding and the one most Altec a7 user have today. Consider that a PA sound is highly variable many different things contribute greatly to its overal... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
I had a friend buy a new pair of the old Machs he still is using. But now is running off a cheap tube amp and I helped with network and woofer surrounds and they sound pretty darn good. But do agree that many might have heard cheap horns and just ... 
Lowthers midrange: how do they compare?
 Run a compression driver as a mid.                                                         Or a  http://www.usspeaker.com/beyma%20tpl1200h-1.htm for a 2 way    Also a SEAS x2 does most of what you ask and mates well with RAAL ribbons and Mundorf ... 
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
Seems a good number of horn manufacturers offering massive horn systems for home use maybe those extremely ignorant of whats available haven't noticed any horns at shows or available for sale.