
Responses from jhills

An enjoyable evening watching "Country Music Live At The Ryman" on AZ PBS.
I’m not very familiar with Ken Burns particularly, but did find the overall production and performances quite enjoyable and am looking forward to the ongoing series. I’m sure there will be something to learn and a bit of great music.....Jim@tooblu... 
Do you guys like Adele's music?
I like Adele as does my wife. I like her as an artist and (from what those who know her have said) as a person. There are so many female artists, past and present in so many genres, that I enjoy and have enjoyed over the years. Everyone from Amy W... 
Ears hurt when listening after changing speakers
Very good point Eric. With speakers, as well as everything else, one size doesn't fit all. As much as I would love a Ferrari, or even my old 67 muscle car Camaro, where I live now (notoriously bad roads and an abundance of dirt roads and primitive... 
Ears hurt when listening after changing speakers
While auditioning several very good speakers a couple years back, I found that the more dynamic and revealing speakers, although impressive and gratifying at first, after a short time, did not set well with my ears. As much as I thought I would li... 
What are some of the most underrated and overrated loudspeakers you’ve auditioned?
For me, some of the most underrated, or least heard and appreciated, are the old Apogees - particularly the Duetta Signatures and the somewhat smaller Stages. Both the Duetta Sigs in a medium to large room and the Stages in a small to medium room ... 
Your favorite Electrostatic, Panel spkr
@richoppThe ML HQD was an interesting look and I assumed that you wasn't suggesting for OPs room, but as a point of interest. I should have put a LOL after my comment.I Always enjoy your posts.......Jim 
Your favorite Electrostatic, Panel spkr
@richoppThe Mark Levinson HQD system is very impressive, but most defiantly not suited for OPs room ;-) 
Your favorite Electrostatic, Panel spkr
@mwinkc If you follow the OPs earlier posts, you would see that he is quite interested in the smaller Maggies (which, by the way, do fall into the category of being a panel speaker) for his room. I have owned both ribbons and Quad ESLs and quite k... 
Carver, THE standard of excellence IMO
@markainsworthDoes anybody have thoughts on powering the Magnepan's with a 275?I'm powering my Maggie 1.7s with a 100W Rogue Cronus Mag II, integrated tube with the KT120 tubes and it does a beautiful job. I'm an old guy myself and my poor old ear... 
The best looking speakers
Tall ribbons or stats. Start with them close to the wall, as she would like and then, a little at a time, over the period of a week or so, move them out until they sound good - she’ll never notice ;-) .......Jim 
Your favorite Electrostatic, Panel spkr
Thanks for the info. Mike.Purely from a financial standpoint, am considering the 3.7s over the 645s. Since I don’t listen at loud levels, it might be worth trying the Rogue with the 3.7s. I still have my trusty old high current (200/350W) ADCOM to... 
Your favorite Electrostatic, Panel spkr
@kgveteran For your room and style of music, I believe the Maggie 1.7s or 1.7is with well integrated subs, would be incredible. Over the years I've had many very nice speakers, but developed a particular fondness for stats and ribbons. For many ye... 
Neil Young’s Lonely Quest to Save Music
Even though - with hundreds of CDs and hundreds of more LPs, many of which are early masters and I have no interest in switching gears to streaming - I don’t see streaming, as apposed to physical playback, as the problem. To each their own. I do h... 
Carver, THE standard of excellence IMO
For many years Bob Carver and others have pushed the envelope to design and build innovative audio products. Bob Carver's new Crimson/Raven, tubed amps are not only innovative but have set a high standard of performance and affordability.As I love... 
Magnepans or...Martin Logan
As a current owner of the Maggie 1.7 and having owned many other speakers, both box and other ribbons and stats and most costing considerably more than the 1.7s, I can say, I am quite impressed and satisfied with the little Maggies. They do requir...