
Responses from jhills

Do you listen to equipment or music.
Ok, this may be a little off point, but you'll see - it ties in.I have a sister that is clinically OCD. She will sometimes clean and re- arrange her house until she literally drops from exhaustion. She got this thing, awhile back, about collecting... 
The Science of Cables
+1vwfanWell said....Jim 
The Science of Cables
@teo-audioActually, I am sure - It's Not!But still, enlighten me...Jim 
The Science of Cables
@teo-audio Thank you for not being sure. Key point, there.Enlighten me...Jim 
The Science of Cables
@taras22Not sure how gallium, indium and tin, a semi liquid goop, 1/15th the conductivity of oxygen free copper, is somehow superior to pure grade, oxygen free copper as a conductor for cables. I guess whatever makes a great sales pitch and you ca... 
The truth about why modern music is so awful.
For the most part, I agree with the overall dismal view of modern music and it’s production and recording - particularly pop.While I ocassionaly come across a new artist that lights a spark, for the most part, they seem to be stuck on the same tec... 
Best song for immediate impact when presenting or testing?
Vinyl: Neil Diamond, Hot (August Night) side 3 "Canta Libre" or "Morningside"Vinyl: Pink Floyd (Dark Side of the Moon) "Time"Vinyl: Herb Alpert't Tijuana  Brass (Whipped Cream & Other Delights) any cutCD: Hillbilly Winos (Live from the Living ... 
OMG OMG OMG Harbeth M30.1 INCOMING!!!A Few Questions For Owners
Congrats on the new Harbeths. I agree with some of the other suggestions here - @ 85db and 6ohm the M30.1 aren't really in the neighborhood of being an efficient speaker. A lot of very, very good speakers get a bad rap from being paired with insuf... 
What area or country do you live in ?
Originally and most of my life, in the mountains of Western Montana. From there, 12 years at beautiful Lake Powell and now, for the past 6 years, in NW Arizona, about 100 miles S of Las Vegas NV. - LOVING THE SUNSHINE. Retired, with plenty of time... 
Hey RICH Audiophiles
Regarding the original thread, It could possibly be done, being set up as a lease program/programs in large hub areas  sa. Denver, SLC, Seattle, Las Vegas, Phoenix and any number of the large East and West Coast hubs. Since there is a major hub wi... 
Only you expensive cable owners, is this real?
It seems the trend in high end audio is ridiculously higher and higher prices combined with outlandish and bogus claims - the Mapleshade design approach to speaker cable, IMO, is sound and the price seems reasonable.I don’t have any of the Maplesh... 
When do you turn off the tubes?
When an output tube blew in my Rogue Cronus Mag. II, a while back, I called Rogue to get advice and order a new set of KT-120s. Rick told me that I could expect to get about 2000 Hrs. from a set of the KT-120s and several thousand from the input t... 
Value of upgrading only 1 set of interconnects?
I agree with eric.There are two kinds of cables - Good Cables and Bad Cables. Usually the bad ones are the mega expensive ones. Kinda like fixn something till it’s broke. Whether it’s analog, digital or high speed data transfer, the criteria is th... 
Hey RICH Audiophiles
Have never had the pleasure of owning a Porsche or Lamborghini (on a machinist's salary, couldn't afford anyway) but over the years did build up several very nice muscle cars - mostly 60s models  Camaros, GTOs and a 69 Vet. I installed very decent... 
Hey RICH Audiophiles
@ alltrinnov To be rich is to enjoy and appreciate what you have. I live way below my means and seek out activities and items that are of value to me.I don't concern myself that there is something better out there, I just smile and enjoy what I...