
Responses from jhills

The Science of Cables
;-)  :-)  ;-) .........night Lizy 
The Science of Cables
WOW Lizy! Took you to be much older than 12, I guess that explains allot. 
The Science of Cables
Thanks Douglas, same here. I will give it a try.@elizabeth first you have no idea of how much I do or do not have to spend on anything; second my opinions come from 30 plus years in a field of some of the most sophisticated electrical and mechanic... 
The Science of Vinyl/Analog Setups
@celanderNice follow up on the original thread of "The Science of Cables" A lot of interesting posts here and some good points on both sides of the discussion. @elizabeth thanks for posting that wealth of info. @millercarbon very good points made ... 
The Science of Cables
Maybe a combination of ignorance, greed and ego 
The Science of Cables
@douglas_schroederJimI won’t hold your being an analogue lover against you. ;) Thanks!So, you trust what the sellers say about the cartridges, but don’t trust me with a free method? Seriously, how is the improvement of a platter , tone arm, mat, p... 
The Science of Cables
@douglas_schroeder  So, what about my question in regard to analogue?Now don't be blasphemes...LOL  Even though I do like both digital and analogue, I can kind of see your point. I am, myself, starting to question the sensibility of replacing expe... 
The Science of Cables
@douglas_schroederThanks for the clarification. It now seems to make better sense....Jim 
The Science of Cables
When I see all the other tech and music industries jumping on to the $1,000. per ft. cable band wagon, rather than the current trend of going wireless, maybe I'll become a believer.Only in the home audio - audiophile - crowd (@prof... thanks for t... 
The Science of Cables
@celander And a pair of SM dual Canare StarQuad assemblies at ~$150 breaks so many banks for audiophiles, too! If, in Mr. Schroeder’s proclamation, he would have used SM dual Canare StarQuad cables @ $150.00, or Elizabeth’s $51.80 4 F AQs, as the ... 
The Science of Cables
Nope! Plenty much happy with the cables I have and have no desire to double the capacitance on my system......JimNot picking on you in general, just stating that cable makers, who would have us believe that their incredible $k per ft cable is the ... 
The Science of Cables
Interesting - for the most part, the only ones you hear blowing about the greatness of the Schroeder Method, are those making and selling high dollar cables - go figure.They boast that their particular $$$ cable is a revolution in cables and the b... 
Beware of the cable claiming long burn in period.
With a 2K cartridge that has a life expectancy of about 2,000 hrs. buying a set of cables that takes 200 -  300+ hours to start sounding good seems like a bad deal to me......Jim 
The Science of Cables
@taras22   Say what you want - I’ll stick with real science, engineering and craftsmanship and the next flight I take, I’ll feel secure knowing that the airliner I’m on was designed and built by real scientists, engineers and trained and skilled c... 
The Science of Cables
@taras22To be sure, I have nothing against science and development - I’m all for it.The fact is - nearly every facet of the music industry, from the performance, to the studio and into home, is going wireless.Nearly all new forms of communication ...