

Responses from jfrech

BAT VK75 vs. BAT VK75SE - which is more euphonic?
One final thought, if you want that lil sweeter sound, dual VK60's might be the ticket for not a lot more $$'s that a 75se.When run in mono, you get more extension and control, more power, but it's a higher quality. The mono versions sound better ... 
BAT VK75 vs. BAT VK75SE - which is more euphonic?
I think you got it mostly right. The 75SE will be more extended, bigger stage, more authority, the 75 a little sweeter. The non se 75 WON"T be muddy, won't be distorted, etc.And yes the 75/75se has 4-6 ohm taps and 8 ohm taps.I used to have VK60 b... 
Purist Audio "Purist 20th Anniversary" I/C
jloveys:I hope so ! My new Proteus Provectus tonearm cable is on a fedex truck to be delived to me today ! I am moving from a Venustas... 
Purist Audio "Purist 20th Anniversary" I/C
Hi re: "Aether Revision 3 power cord"Must be a older model, sometimes the cords have different names overseas or specially made/type of cable for specific foreign markets. I'd check with Purist directly or a dealer maybe like Porterhouse Audio.. 
Purist Audio "Purist 20th Anniversary" I/C
Hi, I own a pair of these interconnects. Plus 4 of the 20th Anniversary power cords.I think you said it right...it's worth it. 
Hi John, here's the link:http://positive-feedback.com/Issue37/bat_preamplifier.htmI heard the rex at my dealer for about 2 hours 3-4 months ago. Stunning is all I can say. Today I listened to the Aesthetix Callisto Eclipise, Nagra PL L and a kille... 
Did you see the Postive Feedback review on the VK-52SE? Conmpares it directly to the 51SE... 
Impressions of the BAT REX
Postive Feedback has a review of the VK-52SE online now. Compares it directly to the VK-51SE... 
Aethetix IO Signature Question
radog: I think you're getting a super phono stage.I am considering selling my beloved BAT VK-P10SE super pak and getting a Aesthetix Io Eclipse. I have been searching far and wide where to update my system next. jafox: I know in the past you went ... 
Impressions of the BAT REX
Inman, I to have a 51se. And VK150se's, P10se super pak. I am considering the Rex or a Aestheix Callisto Eclipse. They are about the same price. I recently tried a Nagra PL -L in my system. That is one super preamp. More transparent than my 51se, ... 
Need opinions on a tube amp for Wilson WP8
Hi, yes, I pretty much love my 150SE's on my WP 8's. And these are steal used if you buy used.I am guessing VTL and Audio Research will be great to. What's the rest of your system and cabling? Room size?Good choice on speakers :) 
Wilson MAXX musicallity and sound
fpooyandeh:2 years ago I have a pair of watt puppy 6's, moved into a new house. Just wasn't happy with the sound. Called a Wilson dealer in Austin, TX. He spent about 8 !!! Hours dailing them in. It makes a major difference. Since, I've upgraded t... 
What power cord for BAT VK-300x SE integrated?
Hi, it was the SE version. And I used it on my Finite Pagode Master Ref rack with Cerapuc feet... 
What power cord for BAT VK-300x SE integrated?
I am not sure of your budget here. I recently had a BAT VK300x SE in my system while I had a small issue getting fixed on a amp. I have a all BAT system (51se, p10se super, vk150se's)I'd consider the Kimber Palladian PK 10 given your sonic priorti... 
esoteric dv50
On the dac, if you spend any money, I'd either modify your dv50 or get a UX 3....I'm not a digital guy per se, might get some other thoughts. The DV50s is great for me and what I use it for.