

Responses from jfrech

esoteric dv50
I had a issue with my dv 50. it was out of warranty. This fixed it for free when I did the s update at the same time... 
Anyone using Graham IC-70 w/ SME V?
The graham din and the sme din are a different configurations. Has nothing to do with the "angled head"Look at the din plug on your cable and the din inside your sme tonearm din. You'll see the pin config and the lil black plastic guide aren't in ... 
Amp for Wilson Sophia
I think you have to decide on tubes vs solid state. What's your budget and what are you after sound wise?What's the rest of your system? What music to you listen to and how big is your room?You have killer speakers 1 
Amp recomendations for WATT/puppy v6.
Hi I owned WP 6's for about 5 years. Now have WP 8's. I guess you have to decide first if you want tubes or solid state or maybe tube pre and solid state amp. Your Wilsons are VERY revealing of anything. I am assuming you set them up perfectly acc... 
Mapleshade recordings
Clifford Jordan, Live at ethels is a amazing recording live, and killer jazz...I'm a vinyl guy, this cd I love! 
SME record clamp causing convex playing surface
Peterayer:You're right. Page 12 of my manual say put the washer on. Clamp just enough...So I did it. It does seem to tighten things up slightly. Lil more focus and dynamics than with out the washer.I'll go to home depot and try a thinner washer fo... 
SME record clamp causing convex playing surface
Hi I have a SME 20/2, I bought it new so I know I have the right washer. Mine does the same with the washer. I don't recall that it said to use the washer in most/all cases? I'll get my manual out...I do notice subtle sound changes depending how t... 
Loricraft Record Cleaning
TBG:"I think you will find that records you thought were clean, weren't."Hi, is this due to your Loricraft or the Walker fluids? Or both? What diff to you hear?I might want to upgrade my VPI 16.5 soon...Thanks in advance!John 
SME 309 vs SME IV - sonic differences?
Hi, In post above, I meant to say arm "cable" in my last paragraph."Not sure what arm you have right now. Also, if you have a 309 today (I am guessing here) have you tried better arm cables?" WBS: you might be right, yes, my IV.Vi came on my SME 2... 
Fully differential tube power amplifier
All the BAT's are. (Balanced audio tech) www.balanced.comThere are others. Some of the VTL's and Audio Research's are to. Depending on model and year. Atmosphere is another... 
SME 309 vs SME IV - sonic differences?
Stereophile did a review a while back. I believe Fremer compared the 310 arm on a SME 10 table. I think it's posted on their website. Look under turntables...He did notice in improvement between the 310 and the IV.Vi. The IV.Vi has a few differenc... 
Purist Aqueous PC vs. Dominus PC for CD player
I have to echo Tvad's post. He pretty much nailed my impressions of these power cords.I might add, I do like the fluid Dominus in some applications better than Ferrox. Mostly on Digital. Also, the fluid did work very well on my turntable motor con... 
Transparent Opus speaker cable
I am sure a lot of the price isn't the materials. It's the R&D that went into producing the cable. Plus paying for the employee's salaries, marketing, dealer markup, and their desired profit.Plus, some people, the more expensive, the better. I... 
tonearm cable dead quiet
I hear you. (or I should say we don't hear it now :)These better phono cable are a big improvement imo. Wait till it breaks in ! 
Lost on next upgrade from SME 20/2 + IV.Vi arm ...
I really appreciate all the comments and help here. Raul has written a lot and he may be right in the end. Also the comments on the Walker are spot on. I may be best just saving for the next real upgrade instead of trying to do a budgeted move now...