

Responses from jfrech

Finite Elemente Cerabase vs Symposium Rollerblocks
Hi, you have a nice system to! Main reason on cerepucs vs cerabase is cost. cerepucs were about $450 a set. cerebase like $800 from memory.My dealer said not to worry with the cerabases on carpet. It doesn't need that coupling. Anyway, it sounded ... 
Finite Elemente Cerabase vs Symposium Rollerblocks
Hi, I've owned them both, but unfortunately not in use side by side nor on the same rack. Equipment was pretty much the same.The Symposium rollerblocks (somes with a Ultra or Svelte shelf and also fatpadz) used on a Arcici Suspense and the Cerabas... 
New turntable break-in?
I believe you. SME tables have this in manual. Bearing's need time to run in. And we're not even talking the electrical stuff with the internal tonearm wires that we all know help... 
Changing Tubes in BAT VK-300xSE Int. Amp.
Those input tubes are critical. BAT has told me matching helps (on other models). I'd by two new matched sections and matched to each other tubes. Keep your current good tube as your spare. Also, I'd clean the tube pins and sockets with something ... 
Upgrade suggestions from BAT VK-300xSE
I agree, your vk300se is pretty darn good. I am not sure the audio research gear you list "significantly" betters what you have. Different yes. Good yes, better???What's your budget? What cables are you using? 
VPI SDS and Shunyata Hydra 4
The hydra and the SDS are very different schemes. No saftey issue here, the SDS isn't drawing enough current to matter. The Hydra is passive. The SDS isn't that far off from what a power amp does. Now, I WOULD NOT plug the Hydra into the SDS !!My ... 
CD Player needed for new Wilson/BAT system...
I'm listening to my Esoteric DV through my all BAT amplication and Wilson WP 8's. "almost" make me forget about my vinyl set up...Any on your list will be great. The Esoteric helps with other formats if you care. Also I think the Esoteric and BAT ... 
To all SME V or IV tonearm owners
I have a IV.Vi. I have gone through 4 tonearm cables. Graham IC 50, a vdH, Hovland Music Groove, and settled on a Purist Venastas. All make a considerable improvement over the vDh (sorry don't recall the model #). The Purist being tops. Please do ... 
BAT VK-D5SE CD Player for Wilson Audio Sophias
I don't have a BAT cd player. But do have all BAT amplification and Wilson WP 8's. BAT and Wilson are a great combo.I don't think you can go wrong here. You may get better resolution from the other players you list, but not better midrange, weight... 
Anyone heard or purchesed the new EAT tubes?
Seems like no one has tried these yet. I need to retube my BAT VKP10SE soon. Maybe I'll try a pair on the first input 6922 locations...if I do, I'll let you know. Thanks 
Symposium sveltes for TT?
I used a Symposium Ultra for years under a SME 20/2. Great. Much lower noise floor, better details etc. I've since moved to the Pagode Master Ref. The Symposium products are great for the $$'s. 
does anyone sharpie thier CD's???
I use the sharpie that comes with Auric Illuminator cleaner...yes I do notice a benefit.... 
SME 20/2 Faulty Silicon Oil Plunger
For the tonearm cueing? or One of the Pillar supports?Wow. I'd call sumikoaudio.net or your dealer if you bought it new. I am guessing it's a easy replacement. The tonearm cueing looks super easy on mine. One hex bolt and should slip in. If it's a... 
BAT VK-300x SE or 6922 version for smoothness?
Break in on the bat stuff can be 300-500 hours. It makes a dramatic change.I used to own a VK 200 and Audio Physic Virgo II's. That was a sweet combo. I'm guessing a possibility is your VK 200 and Berm pre just might be a better combo.Also the sou... 
BAT REX and VK 52se above the VK 51se
My dealer told me the 52se wasn't a huge upgrade for the $$'s over the 51se. I've heard the REX. Oh my, that's one hell of a preamp. It floored me.Huge step up over a 51se.