

Responses from jfrech

darTZeel NHB-18NS
Tim,I don't think you should move away from your Nagra PLL and VPS. Those are killer pieces, others maybe different, not necessarily better. Even if the list price is double the nagra gear.I'd pick a good stout amp for your Avalon's. I own a VPS a... 
Wilson Audio MAXX series III
dgad: pretty good math :) I am just wondering how close the maxx 3 comes the the Alexandria soundwise.maybe alexandria series 1 $$'s / 2 = maxx 3 
What speaker cables for Wilson Sophia 2s ?
Great speakers and great amps. Are you looking tweeking your sound in any direction? 
Help with uninspiring sound with my turntable.
I agree on all the posters above, including the breakin comment. I used to own a full circle, act arm and a lyra cartridge years ago before I went to my SME.I think that unipivot arm is very tough to set up. And hence maybe contributing to your is... 
Wilson Audio MAXX series III
While Wilson's prices go up with each revision, so does the performance. Also, this doesn't lessen the existing models at all. And creates a fantastic resale market and great opportunities for some.Seems like big change on the way for the MAXX III... 
BAT VK 600 M SE power conditioner
Our BAT equipment draws a lot of juice and any restriction may change your sound. I have BAT VK150SE's. Personlly, I'd recommend getting the best power you can to the amps (dedicated 20 amp line, iso ground, good wire, top AC plugs), then using a ... 
Ayre MX-R and Nagra PL-L
I have heard this combo (VPS, PLL, and MXR) at my dealer several times. Always sounded great. I have the PLL at home on loan right now hooked up to my BAT VK150SE's, great match there if you want tubes.I've also heard the PLL with the Luxman m800.... 
Finite Elemente Master Reference stand-5 shelves
I use the Cerepucs under my SME 20/2a and my Finite Pagode Master Reference. Should be a pic posted under my system.I do like the Cerapucs under the SME. I have not tried granite... 
Wilson Audio MAXX series III
I talked to my dealer today, this seems like a wonderful new speaker !! Wilson apparently announced it today at a trade show... 
Are Wilson Sophia's more finicky about placement?
I have owned wilson wp 6's, 8's and now Maxx 2's. Yes they are a little finicky. But most speakers are. These are a little more so to get their best, but they'll still sound pretty good. The Sopia may be a lil more forgiving...If you need to move ... 
NAGRA VPA monoblocks
I heard them in my system, my dealer brought them by with a PLL and a VPS. The VPS never left (well a new one showed up very soon). The combo of the PLL and VPA's were the best my system EVER sounded. 
Review: Lyra Skala Cartridge
I just got the Shelby Lynne lp in the mail last night...sound like I need to open it ! Good luck with your skala...sounds like you have a similar experience to me... 
Electro-Harmonix 6H30pi Gold vs Sovtek 6H30pi eb
Thanks everyone. Audphile1, yes please let me know.(where did you buy you EH's? or Sovteks?)Thanks 
Nagra VPS phonom stage - how good
The Nagra VPS doesn't have a volume control. So it's not really desgined to drive a amp directly. (But like any source, you could do this, if the gain matched your amp just right and you never wanted to change volume)The Nagra PLP is a full functi... 
Nagra VPS
fyi: might check this thread...http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?eanlg&1215864339&read