

Responses from jfrech

venustas or jps superconductor 3 speaker cable?
Hi, Opus88 has great comments above and I can't offer the direct comparison like he does.I have tried the Praesto revision vs non Praesto revision Purist cables. The Praesto is a little more quiet, allowing more detail and imaging. Plus it's a lit... 
Purist Audio ICs with tubed preamp/amp
Hi So I used to own a BAT VK51SE/150SE's. I used Venastus, Dominus Ferrox, then 20th Anniversary. All are a super combo with BAT.Currently I have been using a Nagra PLL pre and Ayre MXR amps but stuck with the Purist Cables. Personally, for your s... 
Building a listening room in new house; Texas?
Texas has some great audio buddies to! I'm in Austin. Although you can't pass up Albert's dinner invite! If you this part of Tx, look me up ! 
Hi, see above, It's more than just the added gain with the xlr input. It's better gain, lower noise which yeilds all sorts of benefits (resolution, detail, better stage/cues etc). Just don't want this minimized. On this phono stage, it's a upgrade. 
Benz Micro lp/Lyra Titan i AR Ref Phono2
Another great choice maybe the Lyra Skala. It may give you a touch more warmth and resolution, maybe not have the impact the Titan i has. Lyra's want great set up and just has a different sound than the Benz LP. (Although I have never had any issu... 
I suspect the XLR input on the p10 might be the help you need. It add's 6db of gain (plus being balanced which rejects more noise) with out using the transformers...and if you still need more the transformers are available.I used those same tubes ... 
Years ago I made the switch from a p5 to a p10, then upgraded it to p10se, then p10se superpak.It's a big difference on each step. the p5 to p10 will yield a much quieter background and better detail and dynamics. Another jump in performance on th... 
Windham Hill an audiophile label?
Well guess I like living in elevator :). I have about 15 or so titles. Some are awesome, all are good....I do like simple music in a simple setting, i have enough chaos in my life! 
Has anyone listened to PAD's new Canorus cables
Have, I have not tried the new Canorus-yet.I have tried the Proteus Provectus vs the newer Proteus Provectus Praesto revision. The Praesto revision seems quicker, lil better dynamics, and quieter (noticably) which yeilds better everything.In my sy... 
Arcici Suspension Racks
Hi I used to own one a few years ago. It can hold a lot of weight. I had a SME 20/2, BAT VK51SE, BATvkp10se and a esoteric dv50s. All about 50 lbs each. It had plenty of lift to spare, weight isn't a issue with this rack.It did improve the sound, ... 
Phono cables with angled DIN for SME IV and V arms
Hi, I ordered it from Tri via my Austin dealer. If you're familiar with the Tri planar with RCA term block? Pic on Triplanar website...Mine just has a din plug instead. 
Phono cables with angled DIN for SME IV and V arms
Hi I agree with Bill above. And as you say, it's usually a easy fix. Arm cables can really improve the sound of SME arms, good luck expirmenting! I tried several along the way, Cardas, Graham, Hovland, ended up like the Purist arm cables the best.... 
Grand Prix versus Stillpoints
Hi Albert, have you tried the formula shelves? This is a nice improvement to. I've heard the GPA with and with out the carbon fibres shelves, it's a nice upgrade.Also, I think GPA is coming out with a new higher end line up. You took some great pi... 
Break-in time for BAT VK-300x SE?
For my vk50se and vk51se it took severeal hundred hours. Like 2-400. It was a big change. ease, liquidity, naturalness...BAT stuff can sound hard and edgey at first. Almost like it's broken-but it's not. I suspect it's the caps. Leave it on 24x7 p... 
Converting LP's to digital files
If you want something very good/hi rez consider the Nagra LB digital recorder. I have not personally tried this yet, I may one day soon. Records up to 24/192.http://www.nagraaudio.com/pro/index.phpTone Audio has a pre-review posted in issue #23 pa...