

Responses from jfrech

Best Phono Cable for SME Series V
Hi I used to have a SME IV.Vi with Lyra Skala.I tried the vDH cable, the Graham IC50, Purist Venastas and Purist Proteus Provectus (both Praesto and non praesto versions).The Purist Audio Designs Proteus Provectus Praesto is by far my favorite. In... 
What is the 'BAT sound'?
Maybe just maybe you're really asking about a Balanced Audo Tech preamp? vs the flying lil rodent?If so, it's usually associated with a robust, deeply engaging midrange. Still great highs and lows, but this robust midrange is a character rarely he... 
Bill Evans Complete Riverside - No Side 2?
So the mystery deepens. I have 2 17/18's and no 21/22. Well, I guess I can't answer your qeustion !!I will say the new Bill Evan's 45 box set from Acoustic Sounds is EXCELLENT. A must have for a Bill Evan's fan in my opionion. I had most of the ti... 
Cannonball Adderley's "Somethin Else"... Mono?
Classic Records has both Mono and Stereo versions in 45 in their limited edition clarity vinyl. $50 each. If still available.I'd buy em asap. 
Phantom B44 overhang concern
What's wrong with it? If that's where the alignment system says it should be, then leave it. It has great contact with the headshell and for all we know this is where the cartridge designer wanted it mounted in relation to headshells.Of course my ... 
Bill Evans Complete Riverside - No Side 2?
Hi I have this box set at home. If no one else reply's, I'll look into it for you. I'm out of town for about week...will get back to you 
Aesthetix IO Signature upgrade path?
Hi, I was over at Albert's house a few years back. He had some custom made Purist umbilical cords from the power supplies to the phono stage. Ummm wow. We want back and forth once. This was a monster improvement on this phono stage. They were pric... 
Television through tube preamp?
I do this and have for years. If you have cable, you might get a hum via a ground loop. Radio shack has a isolation tranformer that goes in line on the coax to fix. Directv shouldn't havre this issue.Good luck ! 
Tonearm cable cost no object
The two cables were more similar tonally than different. The difference were the purist has much better rfi rejection which may or may not be important to you. Also i felt the purist was more transparent and more natural. Just sounds more like liv... 
Tonearm cable cost no object
The Stealth is good, I've heard it in my system. Along with a Graham IC 50.I also think you must add the Purist Audio Designs Proteus Provetus Praesto to your list. I've used the non praesto version with my former SME 20/2 IV.Vi arm. Killer compan... 
anyone use a Symposium platform under a turntable?
When I had a SME 20/2, I had a ultra under it. Big improvement. Not subtle. I wish I'd kept it for my current table.... 
Anyone have much experience with ESOTERIC DV50s
Hi, I've owned a DV50s, strictly 2 channel for years now.Have to agree to with the above commnet "Have had the DV50s longer than any other digital peice and have no desire to part with it."It's a nice machine, especially at these used prices ! 
need help, IMac to dCS Puccini word clock
So, now that it's working, how do u like the Mac to u clock to Puccini sound? I'd like to get that setup one day. Especially how does the USB input compare to most discs off the transport...thanks 
SME 20/V question
Hi I used to have a 20/2 IV.Vi. Power cords help the motor controller and make sure you have a new belt (if it's used). Adjust the suspension per owners manual. Arm cables can be a big improvement, especially over the SME Van den hul cable. Finall... 
Luxman M-600A
I've heard this amp in my system. It's really good. You're speakers and system matching really determine if it's right for you. I ended up going with Ayre MX-R's, but the Luxman is a very good amp. Good luck, you won't go wrong here.