

Responses from jfrech

Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...
Wig, I do think the gauge, as least in this case, is the cause for the difference in imaging. As I have not heard your 2 cables, I can't directly comment.But I did think the King Cobra CX and Anaconda CX threw wider stages...the zitrons are certai... 
Has anybody tried the Reed 3P?
well that solves the "mountain out of a mole hill"...sounds like he got it "very" right... 
Has anybody tried the Reed 3P?
I can easily see that to. But they seem to be pivoting the arm tube vs the cartridge/headshell...so is the geometry right here? While my TriPlanar is a manual (not on the fly and not while a record is playing!) it's also pivoting the arm tube.So i... 
Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...
Honestly, I can't help you on the wire guage, all I can comment on is the sound quality and differences. I'll will be curious what you think on the Anaconda CX powering your Triton or Talos... 
Esoteric DV50 Setup Questions
Hi I used to have a DV 50S a while back. Wish I never would have sold it...for DVD playback it is awesome and very good on Audio.I am pretty sure that if you use a external dac the filter settings don't apply, they are just for the internal dac...... 
Skala or Kleos?
Well you have a great analog front end. I think you have time left on your Skala unless you play a lot of real dirty records or a accident happened somewhere...are you just looking for something newer or does something seem wrong on stylus?I did s... 
Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...
Hi vhiner, I have about 4 days on a ac window unit (used in my dealers wine cellar), and about 2 weeks in my system. I've heard them warm up some and you're right, the bass impact and depth is a difference over the CX's (along with the transparenc... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Alonski, I bought the E.A.R. MC4 SUT I've been demo'ing today. I am sitting here spinning a few LPs and just smiling. Glad we both arrived at the same conclusion...If you're ever in Texas, let me know and stop by ! 
Any hope for SACD?
Doggiehowser:"Because I find DSD still sounds better than HR PCM and a spun disc still sounds better than computer based streaming to me."I feel the same way. Not all share our opinion. What player or dac/transport are you using? 
Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...
So I am jealous on you getting to hear Brad Meldhau, I've always enjoyed his music...wish something was on vinyl or SACD. Really surprise a re-issue hasn't picked his music up...Preburning cable I wish was a standard practice from all manufactures... 
Skala or Kleos?
Hi, I've had 2 skala's (1 had a oops) and a helicon and Lydian beta. All are great and have their virtues...Out of curiosity what table, arm and phono stage? The Skala seems to have a touch more warmth/dynamics...jcarr called it a bit more "fun" i... 
dCS to launch a reference USB to SPDIF converter
Elberoth, maybe I should ask, is the clock performance the same as the current scarlatti/paganini? So just adding hi rez via usb? 
dCS to launch a reference USB to SPDIF converter
I haven't spent much time with hi rez pcm, why I am a little curious on the new clock from dCS. I keep reading great things...Are u happy with hi rez pcm in your set up? Vs redbook, 24/96? I still seem to like a spinning disc best, but maybe that'... 
dCS to launch a reference USB to SPDIF converter
Edorr, thanks for the reply, appreciate it. A lot of us come to this site to learn about the audio gear, not get into politics. Sometimes its hard to understand the humor with a potentially charged word or comment. Anyway, hope your usb converter ... 
dCS to launch a reference USB to SPDIF converter
edorr, why do you post stuff like this, buying gear like this creates jobs, it's our economic system. If you don't like it, move to north korea or cuba...great thing about the free world...if you don't like it, you're welcome to leave...