

Responses from jfrech

Speed trim tool for SME tables?
Hi so I had both power supplies, the one with the twist knob and the current one with the buttons. I felt the newer supply gave it more drive, more impact, maybe a bit lower noise floor. The twist knob seemed more continuous. Honestly, I spent $24... 
Has anybody tried the Reed 3P?
Nandric what other arms have you tried in comparison to your current reed? I saw the 3p and am curious also. I'l like to try a 2nd arm besides my triplanar soon, was thinking about a Graham phantom supreme...it's a easy and I guess safe choice... 
Speed trim tool for SME tables?
Used to own that table. It is really awesome. Hopefully you have the owners manual so u can adjust suspension just right. It's easy if u read the booklet. Just need a jewelers screwdriver, straight blade, one way speeds it up, the other slows it d... 
Chained Shunyata Triton w/Vray 2
i am very surprised with your findings. But everything is system dependent. Also, I tried my Ayre MXR's into my VRay ll and liked somethings didn't like others (remember Ayre has some built in AC filtering)On the Triton, I heard the same things, M... 
Three Blind Mice 45RPM 6LP set opinions
mine got back ordered...will be a few more days...will let you know.fyi, I use the Keith Monks Break the Mold and Discovery Fluids. Really impressed with these fluids. Also using a Monks to vacuum it off... 
Austin TX — February, 2009
I'm local...I'd be curious here... 
Zoethecus vs Rix Rax
Hi I can't comment on the rix rax vs zoethecus. About a year ago I went from a Finite Elemente Master Pagode to a Grand Prix Audio Silverstone F1. It was a monster improve that frankly blew me away. And I was coming from a well regarded rack in th... 
Three Blind Mice 45RPM 6LP set opinions
my copy should arrive today...i'll break my seal and let you know tomorrow...i hope it's good 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Might also check out the E.A.R. MC4, this is the one I am demo'ing right now and will likely purchase...I'm sincerely impressed. Here is another opinion: http://www.ultraaudio.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=197:ear-mc-4-s... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Hi, so have you ever though about keeping your VAC pre/phono and trying a high quality step up transformer? depending on the cartridge you are using which is the best match.I am running a E.A.R. MC4 into my Nagra VPS, it's pretty impressive. My is... 
Fine tuning azimuth
i have a triplanar also, I found it took me a few weeks to nail it by ear, i haven't touched it in over a year...I do use the vta often with every change from 150g, to 180g to 200g....I can hear that...also do you use your damping trough on your t... 
What Else Sounds Like A Wilson Watt?
why not try one of wilson's center channels or a sophia?what version of the watts are you running? what budget figure are you thinking about? 
Phono preamp rca out to xlr in ??
I did it when i had my bat vk51se (xlrs only), phono stage was a nagra vps, sounded awesome.. 
What's The Big Deal About Battery Powered Preamps?
my preamp can take a battery input (Nagra PLL) I've had a Red Wine Audio Black lighting at home. The battery gave a much improved pace and rhythm, lower noise floor, improved dynamics all for a low cost. My current AC cords (Shunyata King Cobra wi... 
Chained Shunyata Triton w/Vray 2
:) glad it worked out ! I love my Triton to...really great piece it is ! Seems to bget better after 24 hours...then after a week....I've had mine now for 2.5 weeks...