

Responses from jfrech

Similar sounding of Lyra cartridge ?
Hi if this is for your system that's posted...the Lyra's are a great match...I'd really stretch and buy one of the current models...the Delos is about 1650 or so new...I know money doesn't grow on trees....What table and phono stage? 
Wall Dampening Systems
I am sure it will help. I'd try a Rive's Audio Plan first....$1200...then decide whether to buy or build the treatments...I suspect you'll get a more comprehensive plan that won't do any harm to the sound...http://rivesaudio.com/services/servframe... 
Wilson Sophia III - Will spikes break if titled?
Hi, I've owned 4 pair of Wilson's over the years...the spikes will not break if the speaker is tilted somewhat to install still points or adjust/remove the spikes. I would not tilt the speaker back more than is really needed to remove/adjust the s... 
Happy 4th of July
Happy 4th, and everyone is entitled to their opinion from their perspective. That's something that makes our country great ... and different than most... 
Shunyata Triton can stabilize voltage??
Hi, i wish product bashing wouldn't happen. Lot's of folks love Shunyata products, I own a Triton and it's a wonderful addition to fantastic sound in my system.I do not think it's a voltage stabilizer, it's not designed to do that... 
Anthonyn Cordesman on Edward Snowden
I didn't know that about Anthony... 
Are Gran Prix Audio Monaco Stands hot or not?
They are pretty incredible stands.... especially the newer Silverstone...Sure their is competition...but that doesn't mean Grand Prix is better or worse...I've seen plenty of gear shown on them at the recent shows...Are you in the market for a stand? 
Classical, Spanish & South American Guitar Jewels
The Fidelis (label name) Astor Piazolla is pretty killer...1st 5 tracks (rest is solo violin...)here's a review...http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue4/sacdmd.htm 
People buying Transports again?
dCS makes some pretty special transports. i have the scarlatti dac/clock/trans and the trans is superior on redbook and sacd. i've also heard the dcs scarlatti upsampler at my dealers....and even then preferred the trans...don't get me wrong....do... 
Magical Moving MC Cartridge
Just so you don't feel alone, I had a baseball cap on...decided to dust around the equipment...leaned into things a bit to get the table done carefully and the bill of cap caught my then Lyra Skala cantilever just to perfect...I don't think I said... 
New rack or power conditioner
Babybear and I were going down the same path...I think room treatments are first investment...bass traps and something at the first reflection points are a must to start...Although we don't know what you have in your room.I assume you're pretty ha... 
Magical Moving MC Cartridge
YikesYou got that word right ! Glad it worked out ok !! 
New rack or power conditioner
BAT and Aeriel is NICE equipment. I suspect each will yield a improvement...what interconnect, power and speaker cables do you use? Also also room treatments? 
SUT advice
petavgeris,interesting post! do you sell these SUT's or work for a manufacturer? Curious to get more info...this post has me wondering if I should check out a different SUT...I am happy with what I have...but as you say...you never know until you ... 
Moving up from Cardas Clear
Purist audio designs and transparent are 2 great choices...