

Responses from jfrech

SUT advice
Hi it's pretty easy. their is a jumper behind the front panel that needs to move positions, then install the card....it's held in place by the RCA jacks and the screw on collars, then a ribbon cable from main board to mm card.5 minutes tops. Easy.... 
SUT advice
Hi my EAR MC4 has 4 taps I think it fits your description. Here's a good review btw ...and covers the various gain/loading options...http://www.ultraaudio.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=197:ear-It's worked very nicely for... 
Does anyone know the news of Kharma Amplifiers
Mapman...agree....I think reviewers provide great data points...but don't confuse that for a conclusion. If you're in the market for 375k speakers...I'd go listen to em ... get your own data points...Also show's are really hard environments to eva... 
Hi what are you trying to accomplish here? Lot's of great racks, amp stands, various footers...all of these things make a impact...some better some worse... 
SUT advice
Hi I've been thrilled with my E.A.R. MC4 SUT into my 2nd Input in my Nagra...The primary cartridge I've been using in a Allaerts MC2 Finish (.2mv)...I will say my Lyra Atlas via this SUT also sounds pretty damn great into the Nagra...I won't say i... 
Shunyata Hydra
Guidocorona...interesting post...glad you asked...I guess we'll soon see.Jamiek has a pretty nice system...it is certainly of quality that most usually hear rather dramatic differences...I used to have a Esoteric DV 50s and Shunyata certainly help... 
Shunyata Hydra
Jamiek, lots have had other opinions on Shunyata...I use their conditioners and cords and get a significant improvement...something seems odd on this post...I am also curious what models/versions you are using...and what equipment you have plugged... 
Low gain power amp to match the Audio Note M6 pre
Zd542 has a point. Here is a shot of your aim it 5ihttp://www.naimaudio.com/hifi-products/pdt-type/nait-5iIf this s the naim you are using...it's not designed to use a separate preamp... 
Audio Note M6 - dark and thick sound ?
I was I could help you more. But this sounds like some sort of mis match..especially on the gain...with the volume at 7 oclock you're basically killing all the gain out of source with the preamp's volume control...then after you've cut the source'... 
Wilson Alexia - what's the competition
ricred1, hey i don't want to argue with what you heard or how you describe it...we're all entitled to our opinions and to be able to express them (i am saying this sincerely)However, not a lot of folks describe Rockport's as "dark side of neutral.... 
Shunyata VX vs CX
I'd have to agree with all the comments above, I've had VX, CX and Zitrons...They are all good cords and all have a sound. The VX on certain digital is a very good thing...Redoctober...the models matter to...like a anaconda vx maybe be better in a... 
Lyra Atlas compared to Lyra Titan i
Syntax...so what you are saying...based on your experience...is I could almost sell my Atlas and my Triplanar and buy a Graham and Titan i and be better off?And Lyra has a new Titan i replacement soon I think... 
Keith Monks RCM
Hi I am traveling, I rec'd your note, will send out the photocopy tues am...I'll check my suction, if it does its slight...can u see fluid moving in the tube?I've found some of the pipe fittings in the jars can plug affecting suction. A paper clip... 
Keith Monks RCM
Hi I might try this firsthttp://www.keithmonks-rcm.co.uk/contact.htmlI have one I could photo copy and mail if you're in the USA. I have Monks Ruby... 
Lyra Titan i - in focus?
It think it's like a digital SLR camera lens on manual focus. you get it better and better and better and oops just a bit to far and have to dial it back..So I am with you, while there is a perfect spot...it's not night and day if it's off a touch...