
Responses from jafox

A few years ago, I sold my LS5 II to an A'gon member in the UK. Initially he investigated having such a unit modified through ARC but ARC told him he had to go through the UK distributor for such rework. The resultant cost was approaching a ridicu... 
upgrde to maggie 3.6 or i.6 with better amplifier
Why the need for the 3.6? Why not consider the Maggie 3.3 or 3.5? For just a couple hundred $$ more than the 1.6 on the used market, these are magnitudes beyond the 1.6 in the context of frequency extreme extension, 3-dimensionality and midrange t... 
The LS16 is not going to do much over what you have right now.I have said so much on this site on the LS5 so I will simply say that with the VT130 for which I also owned and ran with, the LS5 was an awesome match....especially with the VT130 loade... 
Advice on pricing old Audio Research pieces
BB may work for some people here, but I am with Lolo on this one - there's plenty to learn from what happens on A'gon alone .... and then ebay would be a worthy secondary choice. It all comes down to the condition and the time of year and this sim... 
DartZeel phono section...
Great great post from Mike.I too have the Io and fully agree with Mike on the issues of the Io's higher noise floor. Some of the treble detail deep in the music is a bit lost compared to some of the more highly resolving phono stages out there. Bu... 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
Hey guys, don't bet on a Ref4 due to the marketing to cater to the superstitions of the number 4 overseas. It will probably get bumped to a 5. After all, have you ever seen an LS4, PH4 or DAC4? 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
My good friend Guidocorona, it is great to hear that you finally did this. Right on - what a great holiday gift to yourself. It seems like you have been chasing the holy grail of line stages for months and months. Let's hope that ARC does not soon... 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
Ever own? 
Kubala-Sosna Cables..... I don't get it ?????
Artg is a good buddy but the reference to Cardas Golden Cross is just crazy. I know CGC very well as I owned a lot of it for a few years before I changed to all NBS Statement. Having to go back to CGC now, with its poor coverage at the frequency e... 
Review: deHavilland Electric Amp Mercury 2 Tube preamp
Boy oh boy, Art sure knows how to say enough to get me to jump in the ring. I am one of those other people he mentioned. I have the Aesthetix Callisto Signature driving the CAT JL-3 amps into the Soundlab A1 speakers. At the time, all my cabling w... 
amp and pre for Soundlab M-1's
Hi 711smilin: I have to chime in here to give a different perspective on the sound of Brian's system with the U1's. This system has the biggest dynamic contrasts and highest resolution of a system that I have heard....especially when you drop in t... 
AR LS3 preamp sterophile review.....
I think there was a time right when the LS5 was reviewed by Stereophile that the LS2, LS3 and LS5 were all rated as Stereophile Class A. When you hear the LS5 compared to the other models, you realize that the others were maybe Class C at best. Do... 
Kubala-Sosna Cables..... I don't get it ?????
The truth to Judy's post is that there is hype to virtually everything here. Just look at how dead the ARC Ref2 Mk II is now that the Ref 3 is out. Or the incredible Tenor amps and Kharma speakers that we do not hear much about anymore now that th... 
amp and pre for Soundlab M-1's
Curriemt11: I did not want to obliterate his bank account all in one day. You gotta do these things slowwwwwwwwwly. Yes, I am a big fan of the amplified felines as well. These with the Io/Callisto results in sonic nirvana indeed. Mighty nice. Just... 
Jadis JPS2 vs ARC REF 3 vs Aesthetics Calisto Sig
Sorry Stan, Albert has no cables to sell as I bought all of his PAD dealer allocation through 2009. And now I can sing the praise of PAD vs. all other cables as junk. By then the Jena Labs will have even more hype so I will sell all the Purist and...