
Responses from jafox

MIT oracle cables pros and cons
Mr_bill: Both. The instant I tried the Dominus in my system, there was so much more low-end extension and power. And when I then tried the Venustas, it was very close to the performance of the Dominus. The Dominus gives that last little bit of pow... 
MIT oracle cables pros and cons
Bryanhod: I have often had to wait a fair amount of time to get a good deal on a long IC, whether RCA or XLR, in 20-30' lengths. But there are so many people with balanced components today that XLR cables are in abundance on the used market in the... 
To Aesthetix users
Hello,Here is a thread I started back in August 2005 when I purchased an Audio Magic Power Line Conditioner. As a Callisto and Io owner, I was quite impressed with the benefits from the AM PLC. I ramble on a lot in my post with the detailed benefi... 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
Hmmm, what happened to a week's worth of posts in this thread? Looks like some lawyers took on a little cleansing action. Did someone say a boo boo? Were the details of the Ref3's design becoming a bit too public? Oh well. Like Roger Waters says, ... 
Neil, I wanted to make one clarification concerning the Aesthetix Io phono stage. The ARC PH2 and BAT VK-P10 are balanced phono stages from input to output. I had always read the Io's INPUT is not balanced; the input signal is ultimately converted... 
Hello Neil: Sorry for the lack of clarity as I described one cable to the next.The SilverAudio SB purchased from Max was Din-to-XLR. Phono stage then was ARC PH2 that I ran with for about 5 years, then BAT VK-P10 for about 2 and now 2.5 for the Io... 
I always thought for phono cartridges, a "phono" cable was required and thus I only used such in this application. When I was looking to upgrade the Audio Research balanced phono cable, I contacted SilverAudio. Max there suggested I try their Silv... 
Cable auditions - Hard Work?
"Maybe the whole point of my posts ...... "The whole point of your posts has been a series of consistent themes: 1) Cables and other component swaps in YOUR system have indicated no audible differences by you or others who heard it; 2) because YOU... 
EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?
Eldartford: Yes, I agree. And I would be willing to give the DEQ a fair shot. But I must admit I would go into this with low expectations. Like anyone else, I have had several events, a few with local audiophile buddies, where I came out highly im... 
EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?
Robm321: I too have not tested any of this but I know the destruction that just a cheapo IC can do when inserted from my line stage (Aesthetix Callisto Sig) to my amps (CAT JL-3 Sig). So I would expect far worse with an electronic instrument with ... 
EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?
Eldartford: Yes I realize that. But such a correction is not going to happen with a $100-200 unit without destroying a whole heck of a lot elsewhere in the chain. And this too is why I would like to try a PARC in my system. 
MIT oracle cables pros and cons
Pros: If you need a 20-30' IC, such cables can get into the multi-thousand $ range, even on the used market. The nice thing about MIT cables is that they are just a little more $ for the longer lengths. For such a long cable on the used market, in... 
EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?
To answer the question of this thread: because many people prefer to spend "several thousand dollars in assembling a perfectly linear system in perfectly linear room". Doing it with a $200 equalizer "at %>.01 20Hz-40kHz" would be too easy."....... 
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3
Guido: Thanks for the update. Sounds very much like my scenario 2 on the input except the "-" phase is deactivated rather than simply grounding the input which results in the same .... and scenario 1 on the output. Good to know as both of these ar... 
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3
"I am surprised that you even heard any sound at all."I'm not. It comes down to how ARC has implmented the SE input signal. As with the LS5 that started it all with ARC, the design here is a truly balanced implementation. Only ARC has since added ...