
Responses from jafox

Cable auditions - Hard Work?
Yuri: Your "I am right and I dare you to prove me wrong" approach leaves little motivation for anyone here to make the effort to help you determine why you are not hearing some differences with these products. Did it ever occur to you that perhaps... 
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3
Guidocorona: We are all very eager to learn how the Ref3 ultimately fits for you. It seems like this wait has been going on for what, 6 months now? Before you rush to bring the CJ home for an audition, I suspect you will be up late many many night... 
Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3
Guidocorona: See, if you came out to Minnesota to personally pick up your prize, you could stop by my home (less than 5 minutes from ARC) and hear it against the Callisto. It would be fun. 8-) 
Worst Name for A Piece of Equipment
I keep wondering if Dominus was created in honor of Albert. 
Worst Name for A Piece of Equipment
Another good candidate is Manley Shrimp. What is manly about (it) being a shrimp? 
Worst Name for A Piece of Equipment
My favorite is EAR 
How to tame the midrange???
Hi Baffled, I only mentioned those tube line stages as I am familiar with their performance. Another tube line stage that is getting a lot of praise is the Modwright SWL9.0 which sells new in the $2k range. Check out this A'gon Modwright thread.Th... 
First Sound vs Aesthetix
Tvad: That is exactly why I own the Callisto Sig. And with a careful change of her tubes, she quiets down. 
BAT vs Cary
"Cary favors the coherent/musical camp whereas the BAT is the detail/definition camp."Hah? He said BAT, not CAT! Other than a softening of the upper frequencies, the 31SE (I owned one for 2 years) is very tonally coherent and musical in its portra... 
How to tame the midrange???
Shadorne states: "Actually an EQ might be the cheapest and most flexible solution."Who knows, speaker placement might do the trick and this is free.....and no corruption of the signal. I would not be so quick to throw in a bandaid into the electro... 
Cable auditions - Hard Work?
Hello Yuri - congratulations on finding a cable that works well for you. 
How to tame the midrange???
An equalizer? That's a drastic solution. I would only consider this if you're willing to kiss off resolution and collapse the soundstage. There is so much to address in this system: cables, room acoustics and speaker placement that could very well... 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
I applaud Jonathan Valin for taking a systems approach to listening and comparing with other "systems" but the end result is just that: one system vs. the other. Unfortunately, this makes it tough if not impossible to quantify how one line stage s... 
How to tame the midrange???
Baffled: You have so many things to try along the way. And I suspect you will discover huge refinements as you seek to determine the original problem with the midrange anomolies. Rather than guess with so many changes, what I would suggest you do ... 
Is there a difference in balanced cables??
I have written extensively here the last several years on my experiences with various XLR cables from Cardas, SilverAudio, Audioquest, Transparent, NBS, Kubala-Sosna, etc. There has been a huge difference with each of these along the way of contin...