
Responses from jafox

Opinions: What Power Cord for Aesthetix Gear?
I understand the desire to avoid paying a fortune on power cables as I have avoided the same. With the Aesthetix Callisto Sig and Io models, and with the other components in my system, power cord differences were minimal at best until I got a powe... 
Nagra Service?
Congratulations Art. Would love to hear this. 
Buying Vinyl in Vienna Austria???
You guys are good. Ok, how about sweet Sofia? 
Buying Vinyl in Vienna Austria???
Albert, any lyrical suggestions for a visit to Budapest or Prague? 
BIG CAT's on BIG Wilsons
Wow, how exciting to have Ken stop by for a visit. As an owner of the JL-3's, I would be greatly honored. Joe Kubala was here last month and the incredible sound from the Soundlab A1s as we changed each of my cables (pretty much unchanged NBS &... 
Phonostage pairing?
Geez Chazzbo, you take this way too serious. And your recommendation of the EAR 324 is commendable, but with only 54 db of gain, this will probably not be suitable for the Koetsu Jade at 0.25mv but may be fine with the Clearaudio Goldfinger at 0.8... 
Nagra Service?
Hmmmm....You should have kept the flea as a backup. 
Review: Balanced Audio VK-P10 Tube preamp
Rello, my comment was a relative statement not one of absolutes. Have you actually tried the NBS or Cardas Golden Cross in comparison to the Audioquest? If not, how can you disagree with my statement that was based on a comparison to these product... 
CAT vs VTL Sound
Jack, I was simply bringing up the point that you should pay as much attention to the soundstage as the other attributes. Neither of these amps sound remotely the same tonally but there are other significant differences for you to focus on as well... 
CAT vs VTL Sound
Jack, I think your analysis nails it quite well here on all counts. I was an ARC amp owner for several years so I can relate well to the forward and fatiguing sound of these....but the VT130/VT150 models were not guilty of this. The Classic series... 
Review: Balanced Audio VK-P10 Tube preamp
Wow, great review. How fortunate you were to find the hum issue and fix it so easily. Such problems can be next to impossible to find.I remember your 31SE review a couple years ago that I responded too. And you were quite the happy camper with tha... 
CAT vs VTL Sound
Then I guess a $300 amp ought to be fine. 
CAT vs VTL Sound
A JL2 as total overkill? Not if you want some of, if not, the best dynamics in the business with a tube amp. As for the VTL and CAT products sounding the same, from my experience, they are not even close. Making a decision or comment based soley o... 
Cable Re-termination
I second Moon Audio. He redid some NBS cables for me and did a phenomenol job. 
Convergent Aud orOtherBrands LetteringRubbingOff?
Albert, the lettering on mine is excellent too. I was hinting that maybe you could go ahead and have yours engraved anyway as I too suspect it would be gorgeous. I just didn't want to be the first one to try. 8-)