
Responses from jafox

Worst Name for A Piece of Equipment
Jaybo - I personally think Calypso, like Rhea, Janus, Io, Callisto, etc., are a lot more original than something called a Reference 3 Mk II Statement Signature. A little bit of light reading on moons and more moons can be interesting. 
No way,No how,Never will...
Yes, he should stick to his eardrums so that he will be able to hear the differences and benefits of power line conditioners, power cables, etc. If he sticks to the "theory" that they can not possibly make a difference, then he has no reason to ta... 
Long RCA ICs - which ones fit this bill?
I have much direct experience with MIT 330 vs. Straightwire, in this case Straightwire Virtuoso. The Virtuoso is the line above the Maestro. Throughout the late 80s to mid 90s I had used exclusively MIT 330 with ARC SP-10 and Adcom and ARC amps. I... 
Long RCA ICs - which ones fit this bill?
Tony, check this thread concerning MITs. I found that the long MIT cables were about as good a value as possible in the  
Seperate phono better than pre?
Considering the cost for a very good interconnect and the need for another power cable if going separates, I suspect the Janus is quite a steal of a deal compared to buying the Calypso and Rhea. 
Cable auditions - Hard Work?
Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2
Some on Jupiter, the others on Saturn. 
No way,No how,Never will...
Bob, it sounds like you have lots of options for people to help you start spending some money. 
BAT VK 75SE vs 150SE's or maybe a VK600SE?
John - I understand the hierarchy and costs of the varying tube vs. ss, and stereo vs. mono amps here, but this does not address my initial point and that of Semi: if the VK-600SE (2-channel version) sells less than the pair of 150SE's, and if the... 
Wow, I wonder if Ken Stevens would upgrade my CAT amps with that APS technology! Oh yes, the 1970s and their super huge spec sheets. Those were the days when all amps measured very differently but still sounded the same. And now today everything s... 
No way,No how,Never will...
Usblues - I too have been waiting to finally get back to Artg's home and hear his latest round of changes since I was there last Fall. I am still waiting for an invite since the holidays. 8-(~ It was Artg who suggested I try the Audio Magic PLC an... 
As "Aldavis" points out, size and heat indeed. At 145 lbs and 16 power tubes each, with a conservatively rated 150w Class A, the CAT JL-3 monos do a wonderful job doubling as floor heaters. 
BAT VK 75SE vs 150SE's or maybe a VK600SE?
If these amplifiers truly sound EXACTLY the same, what is the benefit of the 150SE's? They cost more, there's the issue of tube replacement/maintenance, they have far less dynamic headroom, etc. I have to believe there are some differences in ambi... 
To Aesthetix users
Just a warning here: I understand that you MUST take great care when swapping the power umbilicals here. When you power the Io down and then disconnect the power cables between the Audio and PS chassis, you MUST wait at least 20 minutes before rec... 
Best amps to use with Sound Lab speakers
Good choice Brian. Meow.