
Responses from jafox

Budget Amp for Avalon Eidolon
Congratulations Eavr11. Please report back with how everything has turned out. And did you ever decide on a line stage? Sounds like the Aesthetix Callisto might work here? 8-)As you know I am a huge fan of the CAT amps. And before I bought the Sou... 
Herbie's Hal-O tube dampener's on Calypso?
Audphile1: No problem....your comment was right on. I just wanted to assure you that with a very light touch with the eraser end of a pencil, I found the two culprits immediately. I can now crank up the music and not hear the one tube in the Io si... 
Herbie's Hal-O tube dampener's on Calypso?
Yes indeed, audphile. That is not my std practice but I had two tubes that were ringing like crazy with just loud music so just a light tap was all it took.....nothing crazy! 
Herbie's Hal-O tube dampener's on Calypso?
Perfectionist: A few issues to answer your question as to why I tried this other tube ring instead of the Herbie. The Io and Callisto each with one PS totals a whopping 40 tubes. Looking at the cost of the Herbie rings, that's a lot of pizzas. The... 
Review: Aesthetix Calypso Line Stage Tube preamp
No No No.....JD must not become a magazine contributor. And he's way too brutally honest to survive long in that world anyway. And besides that, he's all mine I tell you, he's all mine! If there was ever one person who has influenced me so much an... 
Stillpoint Component Stand
Stillpoints Website 
Herbie's Hal-O tube dampener's on Calypso?
You Calypso folks are quite the helpful friendly bunch.Last week I ordered up a bunch of these. I will report my findings in the Io and Callisto as I have to believe the improvements (if any) should be similar. 
Can anyone suggest a good 2-channel amp for $1500
Counterpoint Counterpoint Counterpoint.....SA20/220 and NPS series. This is an awesome value. Also the McCormack DNA1 and even the DNA 225 is at this price from time to time. 
Review: Aesthetix Calypso Line Stage Tube preamp
Aaudiophile: Thanks for your email today. I believe the Calypso has always had 88 settings. For some people, this may still not be enough. But my comment above was that even with the CALLISTO having only 45 steps, this works well for me. Finer inc... 
Blown 6550 tubes and resistors in ARC VT 200
Yes, this seems to have been ARC's methodology to use power resistors as fuses for the VT series amps. I went through this with the VT130 a few times and after the second time, I bought a dozen resistors so I would be ready when the next power tub... 
"By the way, I think the general consensus is that the LS-5 Mk II is better than Mk III?""Better" is always a tough term here as it provides little if any objective value.There is one A'gon member (name escapes me) who prefers the II. But myself a... 
Balanced Pre for Bi Amping Recommendations Please
Quincy: No CJ gear has balanced or XLR inputs or outputs.Zimmerma: Perhaps biamping will not be done in the context of having an active crossover between the preamp and amps but rather simply to drive the individual halves of the speaker drivers b... 
Hmmm, I don't see this thread as a sign of arrogance at all. It sounds like a fair offer to hear a direct comparison of any two speakers (but why only Wilson?) with another local audiophile. I have done similar listening sessions with local audiop... 
Parasound JC-1 amps. Preamp advice??
From my experience, the preamp is the make or break component when it comes to bringing on a 3-dimensional musical presentation. If this is what you seek, a tube model is a must. Unfortunately, many tube preamps fail miserably here as well. Since ... 
Balanced Pre for Bi Amping Recommendations Please
One thing to keep in mind: just because a unit has XLR outputs does not mean that the product itself is truly balanced.If you need two sets of truly balanced outputs, the BAT 3 or VK3 series will not work as they only have one set of balanced outp...