
Responses from jafox

Convergent Aud orOtherBrands LetteringRubbingOff?
Well Albert, what about the Callisto? 
Transparent , Kubala , Luminous , or RS Poiema
Rich: I listened to Carly Simon again tonight and the coverage in her voice from the lows to the highs is not only so wonderful in a musical sense, but as you point it, it makes for a great evaluative tool.As for using Cardas cables to compare the... 
Transparent , Kubala , Luminous , or RS Poiema
JD, I apologize for my rough-edged reply. I just got off replying to two emails on this subject and with much frustration, so when I saw your response I snapped back and this was un-called for.John 
Transparent , Kubala , Luminous , or RS Poiema
JD, was my system not already highly colored and bloated at the time we dropped in that first K-S cable? And yet, what each subsequent K-S power cable and the IC, from DAC to Callisto, did as it replaced what I had was simply amazing. If we are go... 
DarTZeel Preamp
Mike - What a great description here. I have read similar A'gon posts but yours is incredibly concise. I think the only way anyone can get an appreciation for what you have shared here is to ultimately experience this for themself.With my system, ... 
Cable auditions - Hard Work?
Pardales - I agree with your comment on synergy. During the Kubala visit, by the time we got to swapping out the IC from the line stage to the amp, from MIT 350 Evo to K-S Emotion, there was a huge peak in the midrange. Anyone would immediately po... 
Transparent , Kubala , Luminous , or RS Poiema
I have read and re-read this thread many times the last month or so. I can relate to Brainwater's concern here of outrageous claims.One mistake many of us make is that we judge a single component solely on how it works with the rest of one system.... 
Linn LP12......That good??
I don't know why this TT still gets flooded with politically-intense discussions. I too owned the LP-12 for 18 years. I had not one problem with it nor the Ittok during that time. Now that says a lot about a product.A year or so after I got my Lin... 
Cable auditions - Hard Work?
In response to Bojack, the cable business is not all a scam. This is an irresponsible comment that sends the wrong message to newcomers of this hobby who seek to improve their system beyond their source, electronics and speakers. Sure, many cable ... 
Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....
Just a brief report on the major transformation of my system today with the Kubala-Sosna (K-S) Emotion cables installed throughout my system. I had the honor of JD and Joe Kubala to pay me a home visit with 7 power cords, 2 pairs ICs and a pair of... 
Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....
Gentlemen, I must tell you a secret....I really REALLY like this DAC. I know it is way way way into the warm fuzzy zone for JD, but even he must admit it did piano in a most drop-dead gorgeous manner in his system. It gave the piano realistic size... 
Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....
Wow, I just discovered this thread. Cave man here indeed. And the issue of tubes; I have become quite a fond follower of Telefunkens. I guess this makes me a TeleTubey!I am definitely guilty of living on the warm side of the fence but with the hel... 
My Rhea's new partner arrives today
Dan,I have not compared the Tele smooth to the ribbed. Each time I have gotten more Tele's, I have tried them in the Io's input stage hoping they are super quiet like the Ei's, but so far such a quad (or even a pair) of Tele's has not crossed my p... 
DarTZeel Preamp
I keep coming to this thread hoping to read some valuable information on this preamp but when it's all done, I think I will just remain content with the Aesthetix and CAT gear. I guess I'm just a little too sensitive to take on all that comes with... 
My Rhea's new partner arrives today
Dan,I can assure you that JD's system does not at all have the digital edge that is prevalent in many other digital-based systems. I believe his Sony unit has gone through a few 3rd-party upgrades so this is not your average Sony unit anyway. The ...