
Responses from jafox

Bryston Amp for Magnepan 3.5R
I respect NSGarch's view here, but after owning 3.3s and 3.5s for a combined 6 years, and having heard them with so many amps in my home and at the dealer, the Brystons were by far the least musically involving of the bunch. The issue of Brystons ... 
What speakers can make a convert of Maggie lovers?
Upgrade transport and lose Genesis Lens?
My experience exactly matches that of Listener57. But Krell_man brings up a valid point that all of us with separate transports, DACs, the Genesis, the two digital cables, multiple power cables, etc., should seriously consider.I have tried many tr... 
They don't make them like they used to...
Celebrer: Interesting you ask about the Wolcotts as these amps were ultimately what I had been seeking for so many years with the Magnepans. The Counterpoint controlled the speakers incredibly well but lacked that awesome midrange presence and ful... 
They don't make them like they used to...
Pmotz: My comments on the Classic series were based directly to owning a CL60 for a year before I changed to the VT130. The CL60 is absolutely no match for the VT130 in terms of dimensionality, harmonics and bloom. I then changed to the CL150 mono... 
They don't make them like they used to...
Celebrer makes an observation that I fully agree with. I have written many times on A'gon the phenomenol performance and value of the VT130 vs. virtually all other tube amps that I have heard and owned. This was a sleeper product if there ever was... 
Pioneer CD & DVD as Transports
I started with CD playback back around 1992 or so with the Pioneer PD-65 player. I had to spend the nearly $500 to get any kind of musical enjoyment after being with LPs up to that time. The PD-65 continued to impress me until I finally started to... 
Here's a challenge:a class A sound system for less
"most 50k systems don't sound much different than 10k systems"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, NOT! If such observations are being made at trade shows, this is hardly a place to make such judgements. And if this is happening at a dealer showroom, it does not say ... 
Do Physicists Or Musicians Design Better Speakers?
"As far as speaker design goes, the only two guys in this industry that know what hell they're doing are Jim Thiel and Richard Vandersteen."Hmmmmm, who can argue with such accurate information as this? Well, maybe the engineers/designers at such c... 
Anybody familiar with the Tandberg TD 310 Cassette
I had this exact deck from the late 70s to late 80s. The sound was quite good but it became fussy to maintain speed and with more time, the unit's auto-stop would constantly kick in. I suspected the life of the motor(s) was coming to an end. To ha... 
EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?
Kal, the dynamic contrasts difference was in the mids and trebles, primarily in percussion. It was quite significant.If the Callisto had a tape loop where I could "enable" the Rives through a tape monitor switch, this would make it more workable (... 
EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?
Concerning the Rives, I have playing with one between an Aesthetix Callisto Signature and either CAT JL-3 or Wolcott P220 amps. IC's to/from the Rives are Purist Dominus. With simply using the Bypass switch on the Rives, there is a significant imp... 
Review: Aesthetix Callisto Signature and the KT-66 Tube preamp
42659: I fully understand your point here and this has much to do with why I have replaced all the stock Sovtek tubes with various Mullard, Telefunken, GE, etc, in my Io and Callisto. However, I also understand that a manufacturer must go with new... 
Which Tube Pre for 5K?
If you can squeeze in another $500-800 on the used market, the Aesthetix Callisto Signature would be a worthy consideration as a huge step above the CAT, BAT and ARC. 
Review: Aesthetix Callisto Signature and the KT-66 Tube preamp
Wow, very cool that you put the time here to share this. I have seriously thought of doing this too, but the added height of the Kt66 tubes means I either need to leave the cover off the PS (not good due to 2 cats roaming around and occasionaly vi...