
Responses from jafox

Holy Crap What have I done?
I want to clarify what was covered by Swampwalker: If you put a capacitor on the input of the amp to give it a first-order high-pass at 65 hz or so, you can NOT run the sub's crossover from the main amp's speaker terminals. This is because this am... 
CAT SL-1 iterations
I can provide a little insight to some of the points made here as I have a CAT Ultimate II (w/phono) on loan for a few months to compare to the Aesthetix Callisto/Io. Amplifiers here are CAT JL-3 and Wolcott P220 driving SoundLab A1's.Because the ... 
TECH GURU's out there, how to clean Circuit Board?
Concerning the use of Flux-Off: be very careful where you spray this as it will eat away plastic surfaces very quickly. Keep the spray focused to the PCB area needing cleaning only. 
Holy Crap What have I done?
Eldartford: I know from reading many of your posts here, you and I take a different approach to our systems. I do understand the benefits of these "corrective" electronic components. In fact, I have been playing with the Rives PARC for over a mont... 
Holy Crap What have I done?
"How can you put a crossover between the amp and preamp?"It's called an active crossover. Read this for further details.Besides the Marchand products, Bryston makes the very nice 10B that comes in a version optimal for subwoofers. If you really wa... 
Holy Crap What have I done?
Some different thoughts here: you said when you added the crossover to the system, it sucked all the air out of the music. Are you talking about the portrayal of space, harmonic richness, textures, etc.? If so, the crossover betwen your preamp and... 
Coincident TRS Extreme ic's anyone?
I had the Coincident Extreme speaker cables for 2 months while I was comparing to Purist Opis speaker cables. The Coincident are excellent in tonal coherency with mighty fine resolution. They were a huge step above the TRS cable which was rather n... 
Electraglide Epiphany , Upgrade or Downgrade?
I believe the thread that Lak refers to is this. My house was the first of three places where this power cable shootout occured. All three of us were mightily impressed with the Epiphany X but it was really the Kubala-Sosna Emotion that was the ov... 
What Speaker for 50 wt Tube Amp-
Talon speakers if you can find them in the $2k range. 
Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?
500 hours to achieve the point of usability? I have to listen to a forward and fatiguing musical presentation for 6 months (20 hours a week) before I can enjoy my music again? I don't think so! Who is going to put up with this? And then how do we ... 
Audio Research Ref 3 Opinions
Wow, I came back to this thread to learn more of Guido's progress with burn-in, and I see that once again a bunch of posts have been removed. What happened? Another fist fight in here? 
Best preamp for CAT JL2 amplifier
For the last two months I have done some serious comparisons of the Aesthetix Io/Callisto vs. the CAT Ultimate II driving CAT JL-3 Signature amps. There are significant differences here with each "preamp" having strengths over the other. Both prea... 
Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?
Some comments here based on the last few posts:Once again, what is "hooded"? Does this imply constrained dynamics or maybe a clipped-off top end or ....? Neither of these were my observations with the AA. Again, my experiences were the opposite; t... 
Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?
Cmo, did you check to see if Guido left barefooted after that cable audition? 
Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?
What does "hooded" mean? And closed in? Now we have the extremes ... "closed" and overly forward to the point of major fatigue. Don't think I ever read about cables that give everyone here such a different result.