
Responses from jafox

Still mystified by mega expensive power cords
And there you have it …….it's complete insanity. 
How Does Gold Wire Handle?
Agree that gold is a poor choice for conductivity and durability. People are conditioned to think it is the best…Well, I am one individual who is conditioned only by what I hear in direct cable comparisons in my own system. So far for me, the meta... 
What happened to Jfox
Finally back here to answer Baranyi request.I have mentioned here a few times of the great discovery of the Counterpoint SA5 full-function MM-only preamp. I shared much praise here before of the SA2 head amp that I used with the Aria. But when I m... 
What happened to Jfox
I must pitch in a few other names of people here who taught me so much and had a lot to do with my system's performance to grow exponentially in just a matter of a few years. Albert Porter (knowledge of Aesthetix, SoundLab and Purist Audio) and Ba... 
What happened to Jfox
Wow! What an honor. Oh my gosh. Thank you.I have not written much here the last 3 or so years since I accepted a job in San Clemente for a company that builds a very specialized implantable cardiovascular device that uses no leads directly to the ... 
Review: Aria WV5 XL (Line Stage only) Tube preamp
Hello - Sorry - I am not on this site so much as before. A friend told me about your post here. I never had a problem with the 7062 being microphonic and I used many of these in the Aria and APL CD player. But the tube for you to try is the RCA 12... 
ARC Ref 5 vs Aesthetix Calypso Signature
The Calypso SIgnature is over $10k? Ridiculous! Go get a used Callisto Signature. 
What preamps outshine the Aesthetix Calypso?
Hello Chris,I passed the Callisto Sig onto a friend in late 2007. A few months later I took delivery of the Aria WV5 XL and never looked back. 8-) 
The best digital IC, period.
A statement about what was the "best" in a field of contenders is worthless unless those contenders are revealed.As for Canare ICs for analog signals, I tried enough in 1m and 5m XLR lengths and they were horrible at best in the portrayal of space... 
Counterpoint SA20
Daniel and Jond, one consumer's problems with a product or company does not imply everyone should run from the product or the company. I have seen that SA-5000 preamp listing here for several months. First of all, anyone who has nearly $8k investe... 
Power Cord brands mixing. "Your Opinions"
Using all cables from one brand does not at all guarantee synergy. Synergy is what is often referred to as the bandaid process to use one product's weakness to offset another product's weakness. If you use only one brand, unless it is perfect (yea... 
558....try the low price product and compare to the $150 to determine if there is indeed a difference and please report back what you learn. 
VAC / Wilson cables
If this is done, an MIT Gen 3 or newer cable wil vastly outperform a competitive non-networked cable.Such a statement is always dangerous and comes back to bite the author in short time. 
I currently have a ARC ph-5 phono stage
Why not just take your PH5 to the dealer who claims the PH6 is "smoother" and hear the two for yourself? 
Power conditioner + voltage regulator
Power regulator? That would imply a constant current source for a set voltage. Why would you need this? Your system only sinks current as needed. Do you mean a power limiter?