
Responses from jafox

What component is responsible for dynamics ?
When it comes to electronics, I have yet to hear another company that manufactures amps and preamps to compete with CAT in the context of dynamics (contrasts). And so far, the Dream State Dream Catcher is the most dynamic power cord I have heard a... 
Are all Linn products made in Scotland?
you mean Skotland? 
Review: Aria WV5 XL (Line Stage only) Tube preamp
Hello Mb,Oh yes, I have the Aria and have no desire to replace it with anything else. This with the fully decked-out Counterpoint SA-2 is a killer team.It is interesting to hear about your long dedication to the 1000. I have no experience with the... 
Greeding to all DAC users
I'd be more likely to look for a used Pioneer Elite disk (CD or laserdisc) player as transport in the $200-300 range and spend $1000 on a DAC like Classe DAC1. 
Ever tried putting a cap inline with RCA for XOVER
Yes Systembuilder, as 4est stated, it is done frequently. It's a great way to eliminate the need for extra ICs and keep the signal into the main speakers as "pure" as possible rather than running the entire signal through a crossover system first.... 
What preamps outshine the Aesthetix Calypso?
It seems a bit odd that this thread never brought up the obvious step up from the Calypso: the Callisto Signature. If you think you're impressed with the Calypso's power supply, have a look at the Callisto's. A dozen updated parts to make a Calyps... 
MIT Oracle MA Digital AES/EBU
I think if you get it cryo'd, it might only take 100k years. By then, K-S will have a line called the Afterglow. Just be patient. 
MIT Oracle MA Digital AES/EBU
If only in the Emotion series and not in the newer Elation series, you will have to wait for the upcoming Orgasm series. 
VAC Signature MK2a pre "phono tube questions"
Sorry Inna, but not a chance. No manufacturer listens to my system in my listening room. Tube selection is not about one component but rather for the entire system. What Vladimir might be able to suggest to "optimize" your LAMM product n the test ... 
VAC Signature MK2a pre "phono tube questions"
My point was missed entirely. People new to tubed gear ask such questions. Those with much experience, especially those with a stash of coveted tubes from yesteryear know that the only way to determine if the tubes they have will work .... is to t... 
VAC Signature MK2a pre "phono tube questions"
Dev, I am surprised that you would ask such a question. From all your reports here, you have a wealth of knowledge and experience. There never is any "right" way of doing things and this includes the tube set that we ultimately run with in any giv... 
Preamp-power amp interconnectors advice
Inna: You are right. He's heard enough criticism. Now he's on his own. 
Preamp-power amp interconnectors advice
Prophos: If you're not willing to take the positive suggestions and advice as well as a very different viewpoint here than yours, you're on the wrong site.Your priorities are indeed your own. But to claim dynamics and bottom-octave bass and any ki... 
Preamp-power amp interconnectors advice
Prophos: You seek advice for a solution to deal with your flawed electronics. And yet you dismiss the idea to change these products. I can understand the convenience of "control", but compromise the performance of a system in the year 2011 for the... 
Tube Phono Stage vs Solid State What do you think?
I can't imagine any phone stage as overkill in any system. I think a lot of products, including cartridges, get a bad review, rating, first impression, etc., because of compromises in the system when the system owner has decided that product X is ...