
Responses from jafox

What is the best phono preamp you have heard?
Tbg, 5-15-14: "The Robert Koda K 10 is now the best I have ever heard"Tbg, 5-16-14: "I agree with Fremer, the BMC MCCI ($3890) is the best at any price"Ok, so in one day the "best" got bested. And I need to pay $13k for a power cord to truly appre... 
I'm gettin weak bass and dynamics in one speaker
Swapping speakers cables is a lot more pain and effort than simply swapping IC connections on preamp from the source or to the amp. 
Panel Sound
When I heard the SL last year at the Newport show, even with mediocre electronics, the sound was surprisingly quite good. I would hope that the setup next time (maybe this year) will be done with far higher performance electronics .at least a top-... 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
Waltersalas: Yes, for the moment I run the Mac Mini straight into the L6 with a Vue VU-3 USB cable.http://www.vuedigitalcables.com/product/vue-cables-vu-3-audiophile-usb-cable/I have an older Empirical Audio Offramp but it only has AES output. I w... 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
F1a: I believe the sylvania VT-99 are are the favorite tube from Lukasz. Trying other brands of this tube type seems to make sense. I will try a Raytheon and Tung Sol soon as well and report back. Then perhaps a few 6SN7 and try the rectifier tube... 
Care to recommend a preamp?
I would 86 the Atma MP-3. Was a horrible performer when I heard it years ago at the Atma/BAT dealer compared to the BAT 31SE. I owned and loved the 31SE. Perhaps the newer 32SE would be worth a try but I have no experience with it. Tha CAT SL1 is ... 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
I finally compared the "stock" Sylvania VT-99 tubes with a pair of National Union VT-99 tubes. The NU tubes are far more dynamic, lively, spatial compared to the Sylvania having a rather dark and somewhat flat presentation. Three hours with the Sy... 
Panel Sound
Very much in agreement with Harri009. I went to a Minneapolis audio dealer that had all the ML models and Magnepan models. One at a time he moved in the next ML model up in the line into the room and the sound was detailed but musical they were no... 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
Albert Porter is one of the nicest and most knowledgeable members here on phono setup, tube electronics and tube rolling, electrostatic speakers, and cabling. He taught me so much through the mid 2000s which along with JD of Jade Audio, took my sy... 
Music Servers - Baetis vs. Music Vault
Cerrot - I will make a deal with you. I will 86 iTunes if you do the same with the Ayre line stage. It may have a black background but it's dimensionally flat as a pancake. I believe this is why USB is lacking emotion in your system. May I suggest... 
Need "warm" interconnects advice
My experience again and again during my chase for the great cables was that the link between the preamp and amp was the most sensitive to cable changes….in the context of 3D attributes. The constant claim that one must put their "best" IC from sou... 
Need "warm" interconnects advice
Great advice to 86 the Valhalla. This alone might put you in the quest for a neutral cable like the Silent Source Silver or even the Ref. These are incredibly resolving!And under no circumstances should you put Cardas "ANYTHING" into your system. ... 
To Cat sl1 owners: which tube amp?
The issue of excessive gain is not valid. ARC preamps of 18 and even 30 db, e.g., LS5, is not an issue with many many amps. I have been using preamps of this gain range for 30+ years and I have been happy to have it….for phono and CD. Volume level... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Thank you too John. It's a time to rediscover the music library ….. AGAIN, and get educated on the DSD format.Oh I am sure that when JD comes over and hears the system that has now been moved upstairs, he will want to move the speakers, re-arrange... 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
Grannyring and Lissnr: Thank you for the support and encouragement. "Natural presentation" is indeed the best description so far. A temptation as a tube-roller is to try other tubes but the result here with the stock tubes is truly wonderful. This...