
Responses from jafox

Amp more important than speakers?
Back when I practically lived in "high end emporiums", we were "grooving mightily" to all ARC electronics and top of the line Thiel speakers, when someone came in who wanted to audition a Rotel amp. After the Rotel amp was inserted, with ARC pre a... 
Amp more important than speakers?
Good signal anywhere ==> Garbage component any where ==> Garbage outI am another who feels that it is all about the room and thus what speakers will match with it. What walls are available, corners, odd room shapes, furnishings, etc. will di... 
Rives PARC parametric equalizer
Interesting that this topic has returned. The comments by Rhljazz match my viewpoints on this subject. For a tube-based system where harmonic information and 3D is a strength of the system, the PARC is most definitely going to affect the performan... 
Question on the Purist Audio Limited Edition P/C's
What power cords are you "upgrading" from? And why did you decide to start at the amp and then next to the preamp? My experience with power cords is that the digital components and phono/line stages react far more to power cords than do amps. The ... 
WOW; great stuff at THE Show, Newport this weekend
This was indeed a great show for the first time in So Cal.I was disappointed with how many systems were just simply bland, ...... boring. There were far too many rooms that I entered but immediately left as the result was like a friend with me sai... 
Nagra plp versus CAT ultimate mk 2
I have no experience with the Nagra. You mention that you like it as it is dynamic and clean. These are exactly the strengths of the CAT. The CAT preamps and amps are outstanding in dynamic contrasts, excellent coverage at the frequency extremes a... 
Audio Research Reference Linestages
Flex2: Yes, exactly. I understood that the LS5 III was an update due to things learned in the Ref1.....most notably the audio circuit....and a reduction of gain from 30db in the II to either 12 or 18 on the III based on a change to 8 resistors as ... 
Has anybody heard the new Audio Research LS 27?
It doesn't make business sense to incorporate everything in one release if they want to stay in business.Interesting. Then I am not getting the state of the art with each new product. I am getting the state of the marketing game. No thanks. 
Audio Research Reference Linestages
Flex2: I am not surprised with your results at all. I still prefer the performance of 6922-based line stages over the 6H30 tube.I had the LS5 MK II for several years when the Ref1 came out. I immediately compared the two and much preferred the LS5... 
Has anybody heard the new Audio Research LS 27?
Anybody can have an opinion. But only a fool will form an opinion without any knowledge of the issues in question.That's a fairly harsh statement. It's true that many people babble on here with little to no value. But there are many others who hav... 
Buying a Tube Amplifier
Great response Freediver! 
Spendor S8e Amp Suggestions.
Assuming the S8e (which I owned for a few years) has an impedance curve similar to the S5e (quite likely), using a tube amp will be less than optimal.Interestingly, I would say otherwise. Tube amps maintain a greater constant power output over a w... 
ARC SP8 as Phono Stage
The SP8 has an MM phono stage. It is not meant to be used for MCs. If you do not have enough gain on the input of the LS-17 from the SP-8's tape outputs, then get a phono stage that is appropriate for your cartridge. DO NOT use the preamp outputs ... 
RCA cables silver,gold or copper whats better?
Very interesting, Bill. I have discovered that Resolutium does wonders with low-level detail and dynamic contrasts. 
"Best" DAC for a grand or less
It appears to be silly to waste more energy on the "accuracy from specifications" nonsense. Another DAC that comes to mind for