
Responses from jafox

Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
Gosh, had I know the RCA 12BH7 was such a runaway hit here, I would have charged for tickets. 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Tbg: It is ridiculous for you to go to an audio show and hear a system for a few minutes with the Lampi in it and have any idea what contributions it makes or not relative to the rest of the system. If you have not heard it directly compared to an... 
What happened to Jfox
Thanks twb2. It will be a couple more months and I can replace the back plates. I'm just having too much fun restoring my car to be quieter, smoother and faster. That you Rleff but I like the looks of the A1s. And a back plate swap is easier that ... 
Counterpoint, Modwright, Aesthetix sound?
The calypso is flat as a pancake once you hear the Callisto. 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
What I find interesting about tube rolling is that the effect, in my experience, is often bigger than the effects of changing power cords, feet etc.Yes yes yes yes yes!So happy you like the RCA 12H7. It is a special tube. I never heard a tele 12au... 
What happened to Jfox
Wow, look at all the A'gon veterans appearing here again. So nice.Many of us have gotten pulled into new priorities that override our audio system refinements. It was not that long ago that our audio systems had been overriding all other prioritie... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
Do I get a delivered pizza for the 12BH7 tip? 8-)It truly is an awesome tube In every place I have tried it. And the beauty of this is its low price compared to the others it seriously outperforms. Sometimes we just get lucky with value. 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
Dave_72: You could ask the same question of all the old codgers who no longer have the high income they so much enjoyed for decades. 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
sound like a typical tube product - i.e. thick & textured, focusing more midrange than frequency extension?This was the "typical" tube sound of the 1980s .not at all of today's top-perfoming tube products. And no, the Lampi B6 has extension a... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
I spoke with Merrill and he warned me that "more air is sometimes more smear."My experience is totally the opposite. Moe air to me means more silence and thus less smearing.From all the years I spent comparing the Aesthetix Callisto Sig line stage... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
The current crop of high end manufactures sell to an ever decreasing crowd of old fools.This is such a load of BS. I went to the Newport Beach Audio show three times and there were a flood of people there in their 20s and 30s…..far far more than t... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
Audiolabyrinth please, let's keep this discussion to the thread title and not get another multi-page historical lecture on your cables. 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
The Io's strengths are not at all detail or resolution that often is heard in the upper octaves. If you want a phono stage that is simply a leader in the class of portraying space and magic in the upper bass to upper mids, this is it…..in spades! ... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
O_holter - I first learned from another A'gon member of the magic of the RCA 12BH7 in the Aria WV5 preamp. He was right on about this vs. the 7602 that I have liked there. I then tried it the CAT JL3 amps in the 12AU7 socket and the same miracle….... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
Try the RCA 12BH7 tube in the Einstein's 12au7 socket. Magic magic magic when I tried this during an audition of the Einstein Line Stage vs. the Callisto Sig. I had at the time.The coolest thing about the Einstein was that you can optimize the tub...