
Responses from jafox

"Best" DAC for a grand or less
There is no possible audible improvement over the DAC1Is this statement to be taken seriously or is this guy just trying to add some humor? Have we returned to the days of choosing a product solely on electronic instrument measurements? Thank you ... 
Best LP since Waters left Pink Floyd?
When I want to hear spectacular smooth melodies, I go no further than those written by Gilmour. But Amused To Death is one incredibly enjoyable piece of work. The Live at Gdansk DVD concert is outstanding too. Just saw Waters on The Wall concert l... 
Has anybody heard the new Audio Research LS 27?
An interesting A/B would be the all balanced LS5 versus anything before or after, I think it would hold up pretty well in comparisons (sound-wise, maybe not functionality and ergonomics)Now this makes me smile. What a great idea indeed. An IEC, se... 
ARC SP-8 to SP-17?
I will chime in with a very different response to the ones above. The SP-8 was ARC's first preamp that brought on awesome 3D and body to the instruments and harmonics that was simply not heard before. This carried on with the SP-10 but unfortunate... 
Why do some model names use "MKII"?
Pubul57: You forgot "Statement" 
Tube amps and speaker matching
Recently I read somewhere that tube amps are not good at driving speakers which have a wide impedance curve, say if the impedance swings from 3-20 Ohms across the audio range.Not many speakers have such wild impedance curves. The SoundLab speakers... 
Two things about tubes
Excellent response from Lloydc 
SS against Tube Preamp
A tube amp will make more of a difference in better sound.My experiences after owning 3 ARC tube amps, 1 hybrid Counterpoint, Wolcott and now the CAT, is that the tube preamp brings far more benefit to the decays, ambience and harmonics. The key i... 
Tell me about "tubey" tubes.
Morgenholz will put to rest the fact that tubes in fact color the music.And how are tubes different than any other active or passive component in an audio product's internal-component lineup? Just read about the various Nelson Pass designs where a... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
My older bro owns a Marantz 2215..oldie but powerful. Huh? This was the lowest powered receiver of the Marantz 22xx/23xx series, at 15 wpc. 
Stealth Hyperphono vs. Silver Audio Silver Breeze?
I have owned both cables: the Silver Breeze (SB) since the time it came out about 10 years ago and the Hyperphono for 4 years now. I did many shootouts between these from time to time as I tried different cartridges from Clearaudio, Koetsu, Sumiko... 
Should I Try a Tube Preamp?
Mr Tennis: When it comes to tube gear, you frequently focus on the tonal colorations of such products. But this is only one area where tube gear is often different from solid state. And in many modern tube products, the tonality maybe be very simi... 
Power cables for martin logan SL3
The SL3 has no active component inside (no amp). There is absolutely no benefit to change out the stock cable. Don't waste money on that.Hmmmmm. I run Sound Labs A1 full-range speakers and thus they also do not have a built-in amp. But after addre... 
Power cord for low-watt tube amp?
The latest thinking is to keep has much cash in your pocket and not pay for audio illusions that amount to delusions...Yes, by those whose systems are not resolving enough to show the audible differences in cable.....but not for the many of us A'g... 
mbl 101e vs 116f vs 111f
The MBL 101 series is reported by many to be a tough speaker to drive. I have not heard of this "issue" with the other mentioned MBL speakers. I suggest you search threads here on A'gon to learn about these speakers and pros/cons by real users and...