
Responses from jafox

Suggestions? Tubed linestage pre-amp??
Ghost - The Callisto is more $ for good reason….the Calypso sounds like a toy compared to the Callisto. 
London Decca
Thank you so much, Noromance……great ideas. But sadly, no change. I will try to borrow phono stage and see if that changes things. And I have a friend who is a super setup guru too. Maybe he will have some ideas. 
London Decca
Finally finally I got the Jubilee all set up for some serious critiquing. Sadly I still don't have the CAT amps up and running as I need an electrician to install two 20A circuits for these. And also sadly, one of the SoundLab A1's has an issue so... 
A New Superstar Power Cord
I can ride off into the sunset, and care less what's better in 10 years!Yeah sure, until the next Tara Labs cable comes along and then you can blast off to Mars.To bad though that Tara Labs is totally unaffordable. Even their cheapest models cost ... 
Seeking more 3d imaging, deeper/wider soundstage
Realremo - Atmasphere's comment related to the speakers themselves being out of phase not the musical signal itself. Make sure the + and - from the power amp goes to the + and - to the speakers. If one is incorrect, then the images will be outside... 
Seeking more 3d imaging, deeper/wider soundstage
In what kind of time do you life......keep on dreaming!!I guess this was directed at me for my recommendation of $1k products from 20+ years ago. And why did I recommend these products? Remember the budget is $900-1200 and these products stood out... 
Preamps better than Parasound JC-2 ?
I disagree on the Audio Horizons. I heard this against a 30 year old Counterpoint SA-5 last year and the Counterpoint tore the AH to pieces in portraying space and harmonic overtones. It's very very rare that I hear a tube line stage or preamp sou... 
Seeking more 3d imaging, deeper/wider soundstage
It has to do with the properties of the stuff they own. Bo, you continue to enlighten us with such profound contributions.Realremo, a major game changer would be along the lines of Atmasphere's recommendations ..try to get into tubes. And for me t... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
The 6SN7 is an even better tube than the 12BH7 FWIW…Yes, but sadly I can't use this any where in my system. 8-( 
Seeking more 3d imaging, deeper/wider soundstage
"Even a cheap system should image and play depth. More has to do with setup (not just placement of the speakers in the room) than anything else"When I read this nonsense you don't understand audio. Just sitting here shaking my head at what is prob... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
My CT1 ' moment ' was very akin to when I first fired up an ARC SP8 in my system , that was the moment that I consider that I entered into the realm of high end audio .This is amazing as I can say the exact same thing. My first experience to a goo... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
All - it is the RCA 12 BH7 red label which is the only 12BH7 tube I have experience with. I have routinely bought pairs of this tube for $40 or so which is a lot less than the insane prices for the great 6922 tubes that the RCA replaced in the Ari... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Ddraudt - How can you call me a friend if I am so negative and boring? But thanks, for the title.No, my writings here have not been negative. If anything, they have been logical with questions of merit. But the only responses back are the same eac... 
Stillpoints and reference-level speakers
Gucci electronics indeed. Yes, TBG pointed out the little disks and the scotch tape trick to resolve my concern. Thank you guys. 
Stillpoints and reference-level speakers
The Sistrum stands greatly interest me for electronics but I'm concerned of my products sitting on sharp tips that will indent or scratch up the bottom of the product. Is there a solution to this?