
Responses from jafox

Need a Roon, Wifi, DAC Expert Please!
The system sounds fantastic, however I believe it could sound even better with modern components. Indeed.  I will throw an idea in another direction.  The SF SFL-2 is 25 years old.  I had this for a short time and found it to be very flat and dry ... 
Balanced Tube Preamp Recommendations for $2000
As a past owner of the Aesthetix Callisto signature, I am well aware of the tubey sound you are likely after.  And with a local friend who had an updated version of the Calypso, with Mullard 10M tubes, the Calypso was not even close to the Callist... 
Phono stage evolution after the ARC Ref2, Ref2SE or Ref 3
Thank you folkfreak for sharing your phono evolution.  It seems like a lot of people are running with a high-performance MM-based phono stage and one of the latest generation of the top-tiered SUT's.  I am now doing the same with the Hashimoto HM7... 
Manley snapper vs Atma-sphere M60
The Convergent Audio Technology amplifiers are truly the CAT's meow. 
Aesthetix system – with or without a line stage?
Keep your eyes out for a used Aesthetix Callisto.  No revised or new Calypso will come even close. 
Phono stage evolution after the ARC Ref2, Ref2SE or Ref 3
Thank you for the private messages sent to be about this thread.  I understand the need to keep past experiences and advice here in a more private manner. 
Counterpoint SA3000 vs. Audible Illusions Modulus 3A
If you like the Counterpoint sound, with tube rectified power supply, keep your eyes out for the SA-5000.  This makes the Audible Illusions sound like a kiddie toy. 
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
Thank you PPT. What I was thinking about was a non-invasive installation and thus just a direct plug-in to an existing outlet. I realize this was not the intent of The Gate. Such a device would clearly be on the load side of a breaker switch and t... 
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
I have been following this thread and this exciting product.  Sounds like The Gate is wired in parallel across an arbitrary circuit.  So why can't one just go get a high quality Furutech plug, connect the Gate's Hot and Neutral lines to this plug,... 
Replacing my MFA Luminescence B2 preamp
The comparisons have to be understood in the context at what was available at the time I heard the Lumi vs. the SP10.  The SP11 had just come out and the SP10 was on its way out.  I preferred the SP10 over the SP11.  As I recall, it was somewhat o... 
Replacing my MFA Luminescence B2 preamp
It's exciting to read about the MFA Lumi again.  I came close to buying one in the mid 80s from a Phoenix dealer but I just barely preferred the ARC SP-10 for its most impressive dynamics. The MFA had a bass foundation the ARC simply could not tou... 
Albert Porter
I’m sure I’m leaving some out that should be on my list.Yes you are.  Your beloved Sound Labs. 
BAT VK-500 (with BatPak) vs Belles 350a?
I had a pair of Belles MB-200 mono amps for a couple weeks driving a pair of Sonus Faber Amati speakers.  The result was tonally coherent, no obvious peaks/valleys, not fatiguing, but overall just plain and rather boring.  Not much in the way of 3... 
Got a BAT VK-225se ... Holy Moly!
however, it was not a night and day difference to my existing BAT VK-3i.I had the BAT 31SE in the 2002-2005 years and loved it......until I heard the Aesthetix Callisto Signature in my system.  Such is progress, right!The 31SE would certainly be a... 
Threshold SA/1 monoblocks cap issues, perhaps?
Several months ago I borrowed these amps from a local audio dealer in Minneapolis. They had been on consignment for $3k many months and I commented to the salesman several times that I should take these home and give them a try. Each time he polit...